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Sunday, May 8, 2011

wallpaper pics

wallpaper pics. Android Wallpaper - Android
  • Android Wallpaper - Android

  • zoran
    Nov 27, 02:50 PM
    Well Apple should just first make a face lift in ACDs both specs and price and then lets all just start thinking about the new 17" wide lcd. Personally i dont give a sh@t about a such a small display, the 23" ACD suits my needs, only its price and its potentials dont!
    Damn it! :D

    wallpaper pics. firefox wallpaper 15
  • firefox wallpaper 15

  • popelife
    Jan 2, 03:35 PM
    Since Intel is releasing the 2.0 Ghz C2Q chip this week, it seems likely to find its way into an iTV and/or iMac device. That's four cores on the cheap.


    I see where you're coming from, but I believe the processor in the current iMacs is the laptop Merom C2D, which is why the iMac tops out at 2.33GHz, and the FSB is 667MHz. TDP for most Meroms is 35W.

    The Core 2 Quad is a desktop processor, with a TDP more like 80-100W. So not suitable for the iMac without a big redesign.

    Do correct me if I'm wrong.

    Wasn't aware there's a 2.0GHz version of C2Q...

    wallpaper pics. Wallpaper 2800
  • Wallpaper 2800

  • appleguy123
    Mar 20, 05:00 PM
    No. Homeopathy does not require people to forgo medicine that actually works.

    Of course it doesn't require it, just like Christianity doesn't require you to stop being gay. However, some who use homeopathy trust it more than modern medicine.
    Also, I never intended to make a metaphor betweenhomeopathy and this app. I was saying that Apple cannot be worried about "medicine without a license" because they allow the homeopathy apps in the store.

    wallpaper pics. Fantasie Wallpaper jpg
  • Fantasie Wallpaper jpg

  • Evangelion
    Aug 29, 01:08 PM
    Spam? No, just off topic. But all these posts about his one post being off topic? Now that I could consider spam.

    like i said, repeating same off-topic thing in several threads is imo spam

    wallpaper pics. Windows 7 Glow Wallpaper
  • Windows 7 Glow Wallpaper

  • clientsiman
    Mar 31, 12:56 PM
    iCal looks really awful. I hope to change it again int he next developer preview.

    wallpaper pics. Wallpapers
  • Wallpapers

  • mape2k
    May 3, 05:39 AM
    I remember a post that I read on MR some time back. It explained that there are some tasks that we should not be doing but we do out for our own sake; as if they are built into us. There are some tasks which we just do and don't realize we are doing them. They slowly transform into a habit and we can't get them go away just like that.

    For eg. quitting of apps. Apple does NOT want us to quit the apps ourselves. They believe its high time the computers become self aware as to what they should be doing and taking care of their user's habits.

    You shouldn't care about the installation files and other data. Just drag them out out to the trash and BOOM!.

    In my opinion, just like on Windows, its the developers responsibility to attach an uninstaller with their app Or just a simple script which keeps a track of all the files that were dumped in the machine and then just do a recursive remove on all the files and folders and done. It's the fault of developers and not Apple.

    Exactly, and I think that contributes to the popularity of the iPhone/iPad devices and even Apple devices in general. A lot of people were bitching about how the implemented multi-tasking in the iOS but frankly, I love it! As long as it does not reduce performance (that should be ensured by the device/software) I don't care how many apps are running in the background. This works (almost) perfectly on my iPhone. Why not bring some of those ideas over to Mac OS? I think it is a step in the right direction, as long as Apple makes sure that it is a proper deinstallation of the app of course.

    And to all the lovers of Windows remove program: Usually there is still something left on the HD, even if you deinstalled properly. Something like program folders, registry entries and/or temporary files get left behind.

    wallpaper pics. Windows 7 Wallpapers, The
  • Windows 7 Wallpapers, The

  • MicroByte
    Sep 12, 09:12 PM
    I really like it. It fits well and I like the material. It provides a good grip, slides nicely into my pocket, but doesn't slide around in my car when I place it on my center console.

    I searched for the Belkin case on BestBuy.com then clicked Find in Store. The Concord Pike store was the only one within 30 min of me that showed it as in stock. However, I just did it again and it says differently. I was there at 3:30pm today and I'm sure they didn't have a rush on them this afternoon. There were a lot there of each color. I'd suggest running over there tomorrow. They are on the iPod Accessory rack near the front of the store on the far right side.

    Awesome, thanks for the heads up with searching the site. I had actually gone there as well as other sites and didn't find much. They are marked NEW so they must have just added them.

    IT's too bad they don't have black, but I really like that Night Sky one. Is it dark purple or dark blue? I saw you had said very dark blue, but as aznguyen316 mentioned, it looks purple on their site.

    I don't think it's at any of the stores near me. All of the ones I saw today at the store I visited are marked as available, but the Night Sky shows ship to store (3 - 5 days). I'm still going to go tomorrow though.

    Any chance for some pictures?

    wallpaper pics. wallpaper vista wallpaper.
  • wallpaper vista wallpaper.

  • Multimedia
    Sep 8, 09:52 PM
    I wouldn't do the comparison like that, the Dual G5 does offer you drive bays and expansion capabilities that you do not get with the Mini. I will take the G5 over the Mini at that price you got it for.Thanks. But I am mainly with the Quad and need to know the actual performance difference between the D 2 G5 and one of the CD or C2D models. Thanks. Please?

    I can't perform these tests in the stores because all the G5's are gone.

    wallpaper pics. Tropical Beach Wallpaper
  • Tropical Beach Wallpaper

  • MacLuvin
    Apr 6, 11:18 AM
    I am using a late 2010 MBP, i5, 8GB RAM and I have no lagging issues with launchpad other than a slight delay opening folders. I don't use it much so it is not a noticible issue for me. Apps scroll quickly and I am able to page left or right seamlessly.

    So when you click on the Launchpad icon everything comes up smooth and no delay/lag or doesn't act sluggish? just the opening of folders ?

    There's lag for me launching launchpad and also scrolling through its pages and going/creating folders. However I do believe this will be fixed later on as it can't be that demanding to run OSX LION

    wallpaper pics. When the wallpaper is turned
  • When the wallpaper is turned

  • dr Dunkel
    Apr 20, 06:03 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; sv-se) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Yeah, following industry standard is boring :D

    wallpaper pics. best wallpaper windows 7
  • best wallpaper windows 7

  • Evangelion
    Jul 20, 04:47 AM
    I have doubts about this statement.

    Leopard will be able to run on all macs from the past several years. Vista requires a relatively new machine.

    I doubt it. I bet that Vista will run on several year old machines. You might not get all the bells and whistles, but I don't have all the bells and whistles of Tiger on this Mac Mini of mine either. And since just about all OEM's wil preload Vista on their machines, the sales-numbers will be HUGE. And then we have those who upgrade their existing machines.

    wallpaper pics. Wallpapers section navigation:
  • Wallpapers section navigation:

  • Leoff
    Nov 28, 06:59 AM
    I have both the Dell and the Apple cinema display 20".

    Congratulations, you just lost any arguments you wish to make. If Apple monitors are vastly overpriced for what you get, if you don't have any need for something that is superior to a regular consumer model, then why in the hell did you buy one?

    wallpaper pics. four seasons wallpaper 13 30+
  • four seasons wallpaper 13 30+

  • AppliedVisual
    Oct 23, 10:52 PM
    There is no way I am buying a MBP without NAND.

    Weird... While the NAND flash/cache would be nifty, it's hardly a feature I would consider to be vital. FW800 and DL DVD writer on the 15" MBP are much more worthy causes. ...I doubt we'll get those features either. :( You won't see NAND with this update - probably not until spring/summer '07.

    wallpaper pics. Abstract Wallpapers 6
  • Abstract Wallpapers 6

  • phlavor
    Apr 19, 01:35 PM
    I just hope that the SSD option is more affordable. For me the top chip on the 27inch is a no-brainer but the SSD turns a $2200 computer into a $2950 computer. Hell, in San Francisco I have to tack 9.5% tax on that too.

    wallpaper pics. Wallpaper by Jonas Samon
  • Wallpaper by Jonas Samon

  • Delicious-Apple
    Nov 30, 11:34 AM
    A Touchscreen device is what I would like to see with the iTV (iTablet, Video iPod or iPhone). The beginnings of a device that can sync/serve every area of your digital life.

    Leopard Features and iTV Companions:
    iChat with the remote desktop features in particular
    Bonjour, iCal, iSync, .Mac, iLife, Front Row etc

    Video iPod/iTablet:
    A touch screen Chameleon that acts as a remote control, Video/Music iPod, games controller and much more.

    * Check your email on the way out of the office,
    * View your Nike+Apple Stats/Report for the day,
    * Dock the device in your car and listen to some music to unwind as you drive home,
    * Walk through the door and automatically sync with iTV (and your Mac which is acting as a server),
    * Collapse on the sofa and challenge your kids to a game (iTV or Mac based games of varying complexity). Turn your portable tablet landscape and it becomes a controller,
    * Dock the device next to your mac for recharging, drag and drop new software components for added functionality.

    Apple could add other hardware components such as lighting/home applicance control, wireless speaker systems, digital iPhoto frames; the list goes on FOREVER!

    Software Add-Ons (iTunes style) would become the big sellers. Add lighting control functionality, game controller functionality, music functionality, email, basic photo editing. It's a DIY computer made up of modules.

    It may take a few years of drip feeding for us to get there but I'm waiting, impatiently!!! :D

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  • free dragon wallpapers

  • aiqw9182
    Mar 25, 01:55 PM
    That's not the correct answer. The possible answers concerning the documented hardware capabilities are:

    - That's not enough for any OpenCL
    - That's enough for OpenCL 1.0
    - That's enough for OpenCL 1.1
    That's not the correct answer? Lol, how much longer are you going to waste my time for? DirectX in it of itself is not related to OpenCL. They are once again, two separate entities. Support for OpenCL 1.0 means support for OpenCL 1.1. DirectCompute was introduced in DX11 but can be used on DX10 hardware.

    I've been sitting here correcting your mis-information, false accusations and asking for you to post some OpenCL applications you've been using. Don't respond until you give me an example of your OpenCL workflow. You seem to love AMD's CPU's but likely have never used one seeing as you have said Windows doesn't cut it and Linux "doesn't have enough commercial applications".

    wallpaper pics. Nature Wallpapers, Vista
  • Nature Wallpapers, Vista

  • clj7
    Jan 7, 04:02 AM
    Is that a Vauxhall Corsa i see there? great little car, not very cool i admit but it just keeps on going =)

    Yes, it's a Vauxhall Corsa. Brilliant car to start in, never broken down either. Except I did brake the hand-break once :D Pulled it to hard I think, had to park the car in gear over night.

    wallpaper pics. Crepuscule – Vista Wallpaper
  • Crepuscule – Vista Wallpaper

  • BoyBach
    Sep 1, 02:37 PM
    I like my 'chin' and I find 17 inches to be perfectly adequate, thank you very much! ;)

    wallpaper pics. About Candle wallpaper
  • About Candle wallpaper

    Aug 29, 04:40 PM
    I would instantly buy for my office a small form factor (not necessarily as small as the mini) mac with, essentially, the same specs that the 20" iMac has, maybe a bit faster even, if it had dual video outputs, room for a lot of ram and a little better video processor. I don't need or want a built in monitor for the same reason I don't buy anything but individual, stand-alone stereo components. I do not need or want a MacPro. Even the base MP is way more than I need. Just my $.02.

    Oops... Just noticed Mrgreen... you have it exactly right, for about $1200?

    And keep the mini priced low. It was my first mac, and I only had the 'guts' to try it because it was so cheep... It is a great gateway drug...

    Jul 14, 08:13 AM
    I agree. I would be surprised if Apple even offers it before next year. Blu-Ray DVRs are still about $1k and the blank media is also very expensive. Apple will have enough challenges keeping the Intel Quad under $4k without including Blu-Ray yet. But by this time next year, I would expect it to be a BTO option for the desktops at least.

    Currently, prices of Xeons seem to hover between $500 and $1000. And note: these are RETAIL PRICES for consumers! Apple's prices for those CPU's would be considerably less. So I don't see Apple having any problems offering quad-Woodcrest for under $4000. I wouldn't be one bit surprised if we saw quad-Woodcrest for under $3000!

    Sep 6, 08:54 AM
    Besides, no more Intel Core Solo in Mac Mini.
    $599 - $579 Academic (3.5% off) Big Whoop.
    1.66GHz Intel Core Duo processor
    2MB L2 Cache
    667MHz Frontside Bus
    512MB memory (667MHz DDR2 SDRAM)
    60GB Serial ATA hard drive�
    Combo drive (DVD-ROM/CD-RW)
    Built-in AirPort Extreme and Bluetooth 2.0
    Apple Remote

    I think Merom will follow after their supply of Core 2 Duo can keep up with other model's needs first - my guess is by Thanksgiving. :) So that report of fulfillment of an order for a Core Solo with a Core Duo was not a screw up mistake on Apple's end. He was just the first to get one.

    So looks like Steve will premiere the all new Core 2 Duo MacBook Pro next Tuesday.

    Apr 19, 02:51 AM
    Read Apple's own statement and tell me where it says their computers are for everyone: *cough*Macintosh, the computer for the rest of us :D

    Doctor Q
    Jul 18, 01:58 AM
    I wouldn't rule out downloading a movie, even for limited use, but the price would have to make it worthwhile. It'll have to compete with Netflix, my local video rental store, cable TV, and going to the movie theater. A tough market but a good population of potential customers.

    Nov 28, 02:06 PM
    Why are we still talking about the Zune. Does anyone really care? It's just another mp3 player among so many others behind iPod. :rolleyes:

    It will never match the iPod's popularity, ever.