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Sunday, May 8, 2011

wallpaper baby disney

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  • roach
    Nov 27, 04:16 PM
    Wrong. Tablets will never exist on their own as slate devices. Again as I stated previously slate devices are vertical market devices only. Convertibles on the other hand take the best of both worlds and contain both a touchscreen AND a keyboard. As for use. Think back to college. How many drawings did you do in class? In the traditional model notebook its difficult at best to do this. Or how about business meetings? I've done more scribbling then I can count as we work out network topology designs.

    HP's TC1100, a tablet PC I had for about 2 years is a slate with a removable keyboard that also acts a convertible. I think it is the best design of both worlds. I use it for art and just love it in slate mode. My main gripe is the lack of fat buttons on the side for hot keys. I think this tablet (in slate mode) is the best looking portable anywhere...PC or Macs. But I would pick (big buttons) function over looks.

    Again I've used Microsoft's implementation of a tablet PC. To be blunt its a Bill G's pet project. That is all. Its XP with a few tweaked apps designed to work better on a tablet. No one has come because MS hasn't put ANY real resources into the project. Hell they let a memory leak languish in the tablet PC for over 6 months even though they were fully aware of it. That had TPC users screeching like mad.
    People will come if someone does it right and with the patents that Apple has made over the last 2 years that do pertain to a tablet interface I believe that Apple is on the right track. Much more so then Microsoft who is tied up in Vista development.

    MS heavily implemented tablet function into Vista. From login, explorer, writing, etc. I upgraded my HD to 7200rpm and installed Vista RC2 and it ran better than when it had XP. For long docs, I heavily relied on a keyboard, but with Vista, it's very easy to write long docs. Before, I wouldn't recommend tablet to anybody doing long docs, but Vista change my mind.

    Why, it don't sell well? There's a lot of good reasons. Power, weak video card, and onother reason is I feel Tablet pc weren't displayed correctly. I would go to an Electronic store and they would have them displayed like normal laptops with weak spec and heavy price. One has to look very carefully to realize they're looking at a tablet...very easily to by pass. I think UMPC is also going through the same problem. I can't find one, how can I buy one?

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  • mmomega
    May 4, 02:58 PM
    That's great that it installs a partition.
    So my warranty is out and I want to install a brand new SSD.
    I've upgraded only about a dozen friends' MacBooks to SSD and w/o the grey disc that came with the computer you're screwed. Retail copy won't work.

    again, I'm completely fine with having any app in the world as download only. Great, it's faster.
    Some never do a full reinstall, that's the majority, but you do still have those that work on these machines and some times you need the physical media.

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  • thenewperson
    Mar 29, 09:10 AM
    I think Apple will probably have the same deal as Amazon.

    Amazon just beat them to the punch with this launch.

    The deal from Apple will be that you will get 5GB when you open a account in Mobile Me and you will pay $20 for 20GB of space.

    This might be the revamp that everyone is talking about with Mobile Me.

    What do you guys think?

    I think you're right.

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  • kaneda
    Aug 3, 11:46 PM
    I guess we are not going to get new casing for Intel MAC...

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  • Willis
    Sep 16, 09:32 AM
    Oooo updates.. yay!

    You know, I love the Macbook, but I love the MBP too. I just hope the price comes down a bit so I could get one comfotably with work discount. :o If not, MB it shall be in the new year

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  • Eldiablojoe
    May 3, 08:58 AM
    I barely meet the minimum qualifications, so in deference go other more skilled players, make me the eighth person if sign-ups (and interest) appear to stall.

    Game sounds intriguing, very D&D-like.

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  • Merkie
    Mar 27, 06:53 AM
    I'd say that they have had a wakeup call with all of the new android honeycomb tablets coming out in competition and they are worried that the ipad2 won't look so good when there are other good options to choose from.
    The HP web os is also a very potent system which offers features much closer to a real computer than an entertainment gadget.

    If they wait around a year to update, they will be behind in features and specs, and the app market for android and web os will have grown in leaps and bounds as well.

    Let's face it, the majority of apps for phones and tablets are rubbish and we don't need 300k android apps that are equally rubbish and pointless.

    What we need are a few really good productivity apps on tablets with serious multitasking and connectivity features.

    And in the end, Apple knows that the fanboys will rush out and buy a new version of whatever they are selling, regardless of how recent the last version was.A wake-up call? Apple set the standard for tablets, and so far Apple is the only company who is able to sell millions of tablets. There are hardly and Android tablets available, and they're certainly not shipping in the volume as the iPad 2 is.

    Apple currenly has absolutely no reason to be worried at all. They have the best tablet, the best apps and the best reputation. Oh, and they own 99% of the market. Hardware-wise, the iPad 2 is top of the bill. Extremly fast GPU, dual core processor, increased RAM, dual cameras, 720p recording. The only aspect of the iPad 2 that might be lacking, is the OS. So if Apple wants to keep the lead, they should innovate on software, not hardware. The hardware is already top of the bill.

    iPad 3 release this fall makes no sense to me at all.

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  • andiwm2003
    Mar 29, 08:58 AM
    i can see the value of having a backup on the cloud. but if you really listen to a lot of music through the cloud your 2GB data plan is used up in no time. as well as your battery on your phone. assuming you have good reception.

    maybe I'm oldfashioned but since it's no problem to buy a 16GB iPhone or an Android phone with SD card you can have most of your music with you anyway.

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  • Bobthemonkey
    Sep 11, 08:56 AM
    how about this for a scenario

    quiet release of C2D MB/MBP at the start of the expo - similar to the imac/mac mini

    then his steveness can deliver the full its showtime reel at the special event.

    announce movie store, with ipod updates, and full ipod video as 'one more thing'

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  • AidenShaw
    Mar 29, 09:01 PM
    I simply disregard comments that have to do with religion basically.

    Silence is acquiescence, very well stated by Pastor Martin Niem�ller:

    First they came for the communists,
    and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a communist.

    Then they came for the trade unionists,
    and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist.

    Then they came for the Jews,
    and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Jew.

    Then they came for me,
    and there was no one left to speak out for me.


    I don't disregard comments that try to push a particular view on spirituality, gender identity/expression, or other personal and civil rights issues. Sometimes the comments are appropriate, but other times they are not. In my opinion if they're not, I'll say so.

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  • dba7dba
    Apr 18, 04:53 PM
    First off the Prada was officially announced by LG on January 18, 2007. The iPhone was announced by Apple on january 9, 2007. The last time that I checked, January 9th came before January 18th. THAT makes the iPhone first, sorry.

    Secondly the All of the other copy cats look a ton more like the iPhone than the iPhone looks like the Prada or anything else for that matter.

    As far as whether the iPhone and iPad are innovative, I respectfully disagree with you.


    From wiki http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LG_Prada_(KE850)

    LG Electronics has claimed the iPhone's design was copied from the LG Prada. Woo-Young Kwak, head of LG Mobile Handset R&D Center, said at a press conference, �We consider that Apple copied the Prada phone after the design was unveiled when it was presented in the iF Design Award and won the prize in September 2006.�[9][10]
    LG later claimed that Apple stole both the ideas and concept of the Prada phone. A lawsuit by LG had been rumored prior to this announcement; [9] however, LG has remained silent on whether or not they will file a lawsuit.

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  • milo
    May 4, 03:39 PM
    What I don't understand is even if it's distributed through the Mac App Store, does Apple expect us to burn it on dvd or make a bootable usb?

    I don't know if every mac user will even be able to do that, this may work for those looking to upgrade, but a fresh install will require dvd/usb..

    There's no reason Apple couldn't make creating a bootable recovery disk as easy as the installation itself. Make it a menu item in the install software, then ask the user to insert the blank disk.

    So will this mean waiting in long lines and trying to beat scalpers?

    For something that's also available as a download? Extremely unlikely.

    what makes you think that you can copy it to a USB drive or disc? I have disc for Tiger, Leopard, and Snow Leopard. None of those disc can be copied, some of them can only be used on their original machine (or the exact model). the past 3 OSes can't be copied, and so far there's nothing to suggest we can just make backup copies of Lion.

    The new version will be a download as opposed to the previous releases on disk. That's what makes me think it can be copied to other disks. And you probably can copy any of the previous OS install disks, I'm not sure why you assume it's impossible.

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  • marksman
    Mar 29, 03:56 PM
    It is funny the same people who would have blasted Apple to the moon for doing something like this not only don't call Amazon out on it, but actually blame Apple for it.

    It is silly yet predictable.

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  • njchris
    Apr 18, 04:41 PM
    I have an iPad2 and an Epic 4g (Galaxy S)... one does not feel like the other at all to me.

    Sure, they both have icons and a dock.. so do all the android phones.

    That picture of the dock with the icons on the Galaxy S is ONLY when you go to the applicaitons (hitting the applications button on the dock).. otherwise the screen would have the dock plus whatever icons and widgets the user wants. Such as I have a clock, the weather, calendar widgets on my home screens... looks nothing like the iPad/iPhone.

    I don't even feel like the icons look the same. I like the apple icons better, but feel they both are distinct in their own ways.

    Perhaps the swiping right and left on the applications view is what might be too similar, but I would never mistake this for an iphone.. nobody that's seen mine has.

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  • ehoui
    May 5, 06:50 PM
    Actually, the more I think about it... the more I've come 'round to your thinking. Living in a country that has (mostly) gone metric, the more children in the US that are taught a system that no-one else in the world uses makes a lot of economic sense - for us. So please, keep on giving your children hurdles to overcome should they wish to compete in the rest of the world. It's good for the rest of us. ;)

    There is no hurdle. American students in Science and Engineering programs are able to do both without problems. Maybe being able to handle multiple systems give us a competitive edge....

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  • koobcamuk
    Apr 25, 09:51 AM
    Yeah, who really cares if someone can see where you've been anyway, unless you are cheating on your wife or have committed a crime. And in the latter case, this information is available from the cell company anyway via a court order.

    Yeah, you're right. We should all be geo-tagged from birth and have cameras implanted in our eyes so that the Government can catch bad people. We have nothing to hide, afterall.

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  • Tomtomnovice
    Jan 25, 01:04 PM
    I asked Tomtom support about leaving the iPhone car kit in the car at night in the winter (I live in Ohio). Here is the answer I got.

    The operating and storage temperatures for the TomTom devices are as follows:

    -4�F to +140�F / -20�C to +60�C

    So it can withstand the extreme temperatures inside the car. The only recommendation we would like to make is to keep the LCD screen of the device away from the direct sunlight, as it might damage the LCD screen.

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  • senc01a
    May 6, 06:01 AM
    If this turns out to be real, and windows 8 doesn't support ARM or for whatever reason doesn't run on Apple ARM laptops, this will be a major disaster.
    Even though I hardly ever use windows, I migrated to Mac because I could use it if I ever needed to.

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  • Warbrain
    Nov 26, 10:39 AM
    To me, Tablets are worthless. I've had to deal with them at work because some people continue to order them for all their tasks, but they're less mobile than some laptops. They're usually the same thickness or size as a portable, so why carry something that's going to be crippled in some manner?

    Mar 28, 12:16 PM
    I don't get how people can view the iPhone design as dated (assuming externals here). I've been playing around with several Android phones lately, and they are all horrible cheap, plastic toys in comparison. I was surprised to find that even Android, the OS, is still slow, jerky and unpolished versus the good old iOS.

    The only devices that can even compete on sheer quality and solid design are the Nokia n8s and e7s. In particular the n8. Just a pity about the software there.

    By all means update the iPhone �*development is good. But I don't see any need to forcefully change the design of it. It's actually pretty damn good.

    Mar 28, 11:46 AM
    Dude... your contract is only there to cover the subsidized cost of your phone. You don't have to sign a new contract to keep your pricing. Just let it go and all will be the same until you upgrade. There is no price changes because your contract is up.

    The downside is you are giving them "free" money since you are paying the subsidized price for your contract, but no longer using a subsidized phone. It would be nice if after your contract is over with your bill goes down (removing the subsidy payment). I think it would allow people to divorce the contract price versus the phone price.

    Apr 23, 08:45 PM
    Depends on who you talk too. OS X presents resolution as just the vertical and horizontal pixel counts, without mention of the PPI. For example, looking at System Preferences > Displays will show resolutions in this format, w/o mention of display size and PPI. The iPhone 4 tech specs seems to do the same thing, where resolution is linked to the pixel count and the PPI is mentioned afterwords.

    Jul 30, 09:12 PM
    Why would it be advantageous to ban texting? All these features on phones are simply functions of software, not requring excessive hardware technology, so its not like the phone would benefit from not having it.

    Also, 5MP camera? Thats just ridiculous. The issue with all these phones is the lenses involved, not the resolution. Give me a 1.2MP that has some decent glass with it to take a picture rather than some bumped up resolution that is junk when I iSync the iPone to iPhoto :D Beside, the nokia phones that do actually have high resolution cameras are THICK. Over an inch. Im not saying we need the next razr here, but over 1" thick makes it uncomfortable to keep in your pocket.

    And I think it will be SIM free too. As posted, we all go blow 200-400 on ipods, why not phones. Beside, if Apple just releases unlocked GSM phones, the carriers have no say. iTunes, iChat, VoiP when the wifi is available, its all open season if this thing isnt branded to a particular carrier.

    May 6, 01:16 AM
    While you're over here thinking "I can't do bootcamp with ARM" Apple is thinking "Bootcamp will be obsolite when we get done here" :apple:

    Or Apple might be thinking that Bootcamp will work just fine on ARM when Windows 8 moves to ARM as well.

    Or this rumor could just be a negotiating ploy to keep Intel from thinking of raising prices on Apple.

    Or both.