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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

sydney mamane

sydney mamane. Ad - Sydney Bracelets
  • Ad - Sydney Bracelets

  • SolRayz
    Mar 23, 05:01 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Don't these senators have actual work to do. Hands off douchebags. Bad enough you want to regulate the interwebz.

    So get this while you can...

    sydney mamane. chroniqueur mamane Every
  • chroniqueur mamane Every

  • Mousse
    Apr 11, 03:45 PM
    Taxes, cell phone fees, gas and car prices are higher here. Pay for professional jobs also seems relatively lower compared to the US.

    Lottery and Gambling winnings are tax exempt. I wish the Canadians would annex Vegas.;) All my card counting skills is lining Uncle Sam's pockets.:mad: And if I get caught, the medical bills for fixing my thumbs won't come out of my pockets.;)

    sydney mamane. subscribe to queue mamane
  • subscribe to queue mamane

  • iJohnHenry
    Apr 25, 10:33 AM
    So it seems that the OP may be a liar or have memory recall issues, considering the inconsistences found in his prior posts. Is there a MR rule for that?

    Perhaps we need a Fiction forum, in order that the children may play there?

    sydney mamane. xilodamamane-mamane rfi
  • xilodamamane-mamane rfi

  • Lynxpoint
    Aug 31, 11:32 PM
    I'm thinking of an Apple/Canon merger? I was hoping for a buyout of leica or kodak, but I think a Canon merger might work. We haven't seen any large mergers buyouts since HP/Compaq and something is going to happen soon. Though I don't know if this is true or not Steve Jobs and Canon have had close ties for nearly 15 years and I've noticed this recently with the Canon products being given first priority in there digital/video store. At one time Canon even invested something like $10 million into NEXT. Snapping(excuse the pun) Canon would help with a huge amount of patents and might be easier then starting from scratch with a camera or camcorder.

    Please explain to me how a computer company would benefit from aquiring a camera company because I just don't see it.

    sydney mamane. video xilodamamane-mamane
  • video xilodamamane-mamane

  • Hattig
    Mar 29, 12:33 PM
    when closing an application in OS X is as easy as clicking an X in the top right corner let me know

    Who cares about quitting applications these days?

    Sure, closing windows (which is the Mac OS function for clicking on the window close button - whoa, difficult concept!) is required, but quitting apps is surely a far rarer thing, that shouldn't be accidentally invoked - hence it is behind a menu, or a keyboard shortcut. May I also point out that cmd+Q is a lot easier to type than alt+F4, and makes sense as an application level command?

    But quitting apps? Why? We're not running on slow CPUs with limited RAM any more. Even our phones only quit applications upon operating system demand, and they cleverly suspend the application state to be restored upon restart. This is coming to Mac OS X Lion, and not before time. Quitting applications is the exception, not the rule.

    sydney mamane. xilodamamane-mamane rfi
  • xilodamamane-mamane rfi

  • NorCalLights
    Aug 28, 02:17 PM
    Can the current imacs support a 24" Dell widescreen in dual monitor mode?

    Yeah... it's the 30" displasys that need a special graphics card.

    sydney mamane. Si tu as une maman en or comme
  • Si tu as une maman en or comme

  • danielwsmithee
    Jul 14, 09:19 AM
    Why does the high-end Conroe cost more than the high-end Woodcrest?Because it has the Extreme moniker.

    sydney mamane. px-miniature review maman
  • px-miniature review maman

  • toddybody
    Apr 25, 01:09 PM
    Black as a color option, please.

    OR make them out of carbon fiber.

    This. Omg, I'd love a MBP that looked like the silly intel mockup. :eek:

    sydney mamane. a death maman her manman,
  • a death maman her manman,

  • snakelda
    Mar 22, 02:55 PM
    Finally some Mac rumors.. :D

    Lol yeah true

    sydney mamane. with maman brigitte social
  • with maman brigitte social

  • dashiel
    Sep 15, 06:26 PM
    Wasn't the iPod introduced in late 2001?

    What is NIH syndrome?


    you are correct, brain glitch on my part, i'm looking at by 1g ipod purchased the weekend they were in stores -- i really should know better.

    NIH = not invented here. apple was notorious for this behavior in the 80s and 90s, much to their detriment, and success.

    sydney mamane. Mar athis piece tumblr Maman+
  • Mar athis piece tumblr Maman+

  • asdf542
    Apr 22, 01:54 PM
    So, ONE netbook which has an optical drive. Which makes the MBA look bad because it doesn't have one.

    Actually, most netbooks make the MBA look bad because it doesn't have gigabit ethernet.

    And a 15" Zacate which is not a notebook because the CPU is too weak, it's not a netbook, and it's not an ultraportable because it's too big would make an MBP without optical disk look bad because of the price, even if it has little reason to exist (unclassifiable in a bad way).
    An Audi R8 doesn't have any heated seats but a Honda Civic does so that means that an Audi R8 must look bad correct? So why would someone buy an Audi R8 instead of a Honda Civic? :rolleyes:

    Nice job ignoring the HP Envy.

    Why am I even bothering?

    sydney mamane. dantor and Maman+brigitte
  • dantor and Maman+brigitte

  • Mac Fly (film)
    Sep 4, 08:06 PM
    "Media Device" = Does it include an iPod Video?

    This would somewhat explain why the Paris Expo was given the cold shoulder.
    "Bonjour, mes amis! The iTunes Movie Store is finally here! (but only in the U.S.)"

    This way, they announce the store but also get a chance to demo the product at the Expo.

    TV shows are US only, but I doubt Movies will be US only. That would be like music being US only? TV shows are a different animal.

    sydney mamane. to allow Maman+brigitte
  • to allow Maman+brigitte

  • applefan289
    Apr 4, 12:58 PM
    People are willing to risk their lives for Apple.

    sydney mamane. Maman, a sculpture of a giant
  • Maman, a sculpture of a giant

  • *LTD*
    Apr 30, 01:12 PM
    Apple's market share is growing but the fact that they supposedly (according to other posts) sell 90% of the computers that cost more than $1000 indicates that they are never going to really own the *********, lowest end of the market.


    All you need is the cream of the market. And everyone else tries to follow.

    Apple's penalty for losing the market to cheap box assemblers hawking Windows:

    The most profitable PC maker in the world, that is the Gold Standard of personal computing with Macs + OS X.

    I don't see the problem. Seems SJ made the right choice from the very beginning by using a closed licensing model. Look at the amazing differentiation between Apple and Everyone Else. And others are trying that EXACT SAME differentiation (but without the guts to actually go all-in with it) and losing. Check out the failed Dell Adamo line. Dell *tried* to Apple-ify the experience. Except for the fact that they had nothing to do with the very company that actually makes the OS it's supposed to run, other than a licensing agreement. It doesn't work that way.

    Now HP is trying it with WebOS. But Im not sure if they know how "to say 'no' to a thousand things and say 'yes' to that one special idea." It's all based on philosophy and attitude when you envision how everyday folks are supposed to interact with tech. Most tech companies out there don't have a grasp on it.

    sydney mamane. created, titled quot;Maman.
  • created, titled quot;Maman.

  • res1233
    Apr 30, 01:56 PM
    USB 3 is coming next year. The only reason Apple has yet to implement it is because Intel hasn't. But that will change in Ivy Bridge.

    Yep. There is little reason for Apple to fear USB 3. It's slower in both theoretical maximum speed and FAR slower in real world maximum speed. The only advantage is... Uhm... TB supports USB so... I guess there isn't one. Yes, I think USB 3 is quite possibly going to be the last iteration of USB.

    sydney mamane. Maman an khahar other music
  • Maman an khahar other music

  • La Porta
    Apr 4, 11:44 AM
    Wow, that's awesome! Good example for other criminals.

    sydney mamane. friends Mamane+rfi
  • friends Mamane+rfi

  • Amazing Iceman
    Apr 11, 08:43 AM
    I agree with the guy who wants any iOS device to be the receiver of AirTunes music.

    I hear all the comments about Home Sharing and Airfoil, but both are only partial solutions that work in specific cases. I, personally, nt my old iPod Touch to function as a battery powered airport express - with some battery powered speakers attached, I can stream music anywhere (including the garden, etc) at the same time - perfect for parties. I could do that with AirFoil, but that means when I want to stream from my iPad to my Apple TV or Airport Express speakers in the living room I need a different solution. Plus i'm not sure the Apple Remote app will allow me to switch AirFoil sources on and off, which means I have to go back to my Mac to change them, it's not properly integrated, so not a great solution. Acceptable, sure, but far from ideal.

    Basically, having AirPlay supported natively just means the whole system works simply, flawlessly and in a fully-integrated way. No faff, no limitations on what device can play what audio to which other devices.

    I agree too. I would like to be able to stream audio/video to my Wii or XBox, this way I wouldn't have to buy an AppleTV (at least not yet).

    I only like to stream to my iPad when I'm actually going to watch something on my iPad.

    sydney mamane. Mamane+rfi
  • Mamane+rfi

  • vincenz
    Mar 29, 01:37 PM
    I bet these same analysts can predict lottery numbers for the next 4 years too.

    sydney mamane. xvideosla Mamane+rfi
  • xvideosla Mamane+rfi

  • Ktulu
    Sep 4, 08:00 PM
    Hmm...I think Belkin calls this 802.11n. This isn't new. Gimme a break. People are really scrounging around deep now.

    Look Apple has been keeping secrets it wants to be secret very secret for over a year now. The rumor sites have been so off this year, except for the obvious, that they'd need a power plant to get them back to being on. I'm not buying any of it. I'll be sorely disapponted if all we get is a Disney movie store, a 80GB iPod, a 23" iMac, and an array of colorful nanos. Zzzzz. Put me to sleep.

    The nano was the last buzzworthy product Apple has put out in a year (I'll spare you the MPB jokes). Apple is due with something cool; something to compete with PS3 dollars this Xmas.

    Are you insinuating that Apple should put out a gaming system to compete for PS3 dollars, or just the holiday dollars in general and right now the PS3 is the "Hot Ticket" this coming Holiday season?

    Just wondering.....:confused:

    Sep 14, 01:16 AM
    Sure it's a nice phone. My dad had it for about a week. He ended up returning it beacuse of the really bad battery life. It lasted not even a day. He's on his phone a large portion of the day because he owns a business. He returned it and ended up getting some other nokia can't remmebr the number.

    I like the 8801, but I definitely think it's overpriced at $399. You could get a Sidekick 3 prepaid for that price.

    Apr 20, 11:09 AM
    who cares?

    Apr 25, 12:52 AM
    I cannot even begin to describe how much i hate these idiotic people. They just enrage me. Anyone who has been doing 85mph+ on the highway and then has to slow down to under 70 knows what I mean.

    Today I was doing 90mph+ in the far left lane, for miles everyone moved out of the way for me. Then all the sudden I come up on this minivan with "Baby on Board, "I Love Children," "Being Nice is the #1 Rule," etc. bumper stickers and magnets. The woman was doing under 65mph would not move out of my way (and there was plenty of space). When I tried to push her, flash brights, honk, etc. she decided to brake check me. Now, not moving over is one thing, but trying to teach me a lesson when I tell you that you're in my way and that you can move over, is just asking me to screw you over.

    I drove behind her for a few miles, and then when the opportunity stuck, I shot a gap to pass her, made sure she couldn't move over to another lane (besides the service lane) and I slammed off my brakes (I swear I saw a squirrel run across the highway;)), she had to veer off of the road to avoid hitting me. I guarantee she'll never try to brake check someone or force the speed limit on them again. I seriously hope she or her damn baby got whiplash. (NO LECTURES PLEASE, THEY WILL ALL BE IGNORED)

    I seriously wish that .50 cal guns would be options on cars so that I could just blow up people like her.


    1. You are not Speed Racer

    2. Going over 80Mi/hr is already fast enough.

    3. I have patience on the road, I wait until there is enough clearance to pass. Your road rage will get you killed.

    4. There is a reason for speed limits.

    5. I hope a cop catches you and takes your license away. Also your mom should be ashamed of you for being reckless driver. Hell, if I'd be that woman you forced of road, I'd have your plate number and dial 911 and acuse you of reckless driving. Then I'd be laughing

    Sep 13, 01:04 AM
    So far I noticed that the H.264 doesn't look any better but is 150% larger in file size.

    The files are much larger both the bought stuff and the home encodes. (but thats what you expect with four times the pixels) but they look fantastic when your ipod is connected to a tv compared to the old encodes.

    Apr 30, 04:17 PM
    Get ready. It's going to be "Magical". :apple: