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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

mother day colouring in

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  • Mothers Day Coloring Books

  • VanNess
    Sep 1, 04:02 AM
    Well, if any of this is true, I'm going to take a pass on this one.

    First of all, I'm not really interested in buying movies. It's not the same as music, with movies one view is all it takes and I'm pretty much done. There are exceptions but they are rare - even rarer now considering the stuff studios are putting out these days. If the rumored price points stick, I can't see the value in downloading something that's likely going to occupy too much space on my drive and even more likely to be erased or burned to DVD - if burning is allowed. Counting up the time to download (ugh), the time to burn it to DVD (if it simply doesn't end up being erased altogether, permissable burning or not) for a movie I never had any intention on keeping in the first place and potentially coughing up about 15 bucks just so I get to join the movie download revolution just isn't adding up in my book.

    Worse is if the movie is sub-DVD quality, and I have a bad bad feeling it will be. Ratcheting up H264 to DVD quality (or preferably better - much better) is going to make the download time way too long. In as much as Apple was originally competing with file sharing when it entered the music download biz, it had the advantage of offering consumers a consistent, great sounding, high quality sound file which in itself was desirable where songs that bounced around file sharing networks at the time weren't always so blessed. If Apple really wants to repeat the iTunes miracle again, they have to pull off the same thing with movies. In other words, an experience that is equal to or preferably better than the present DVD experience.

    Unfortunately, I don't think that's Apple's intention this time around. My guess is that they are getting their rather sizable and feared (if your Sony, lol) foot in the door now before other online movie dot coms saturate the market and worse, much worse - bring their MS WMV DRM along with them. Apple can establish itself now and pander to the iPod/iTunes faithful and not find itself marginalized for selling online movies in the future by MS and it's C:/Windows/Windows_only/Windows_proprietary/DRM.

    But not for me. I still think the online movie biz just isn't ready for prime time, and as a competitor or alternative to Netflix and the terrestrial-based movie rental outfits, far from it. But we'll see. I don't want to poo-poo something sight unseen, and maybe Apple has a surprise or two up it's sleeve - but I doubt it. We simply need better bandwidth than what we have in this country now for this stuff to really fly.

    mother day colouring in. Happy Mother#39;s Day Coloring
  • Happy Mother#39;s Day Coloring

  • bluedevil14
    Oct 12, 07:51 PM
    i cant possibly phantom why ANYBODY would possible rate this negative. Its a new iPod (in my favorite color) thats the same price and has the same specs as the original, and money goes towards AIDS. :) If you dont like the color dont get it. If you think more money should go toward AIDS then ten dollars, the do something about it and donate money out of your own pocket.
    That is all.

    mother day colouring in. Mothers Day Coloring Books
  • Mothers Day Coloring Books

  • rpenzinger
    Mar 23, 11:18 PM
    Great news!
    My six year old iMac G5 just gave up the ghost yesterday, so I am eagerly awaiting the new models.

    I'm right behind you, my iMac G5 had a logic board issue...got it working though on all external drives...talk about slow

    mother day colouring in. Mother#39;s Day Greeting Coloring
  • Mother#39;s Day Greeting Coloring

  • whateverandever
    Mar 23, 05:21 PM
    People who speed and drive under the influence make me sick. Pull the apps. And when you catch the scum, throw them in jail and take away their licence. The don't deserve to walk among us.

    So... you're calling everyone who's ever gone over the speed limit scum that is worth of jail? Chances are good you'd fall into that category as well, even if you only accidentally went 1mph over the speed limit -- breaking the law is breaking the law.

    mother day colouring in. mother day colouring in pages.
  • mother day colouring in pages.

  • katanna
    May 3, 12:18 PM
    Love the free upgrade to the Magic Trackpad... I already have an $80 mouse (the Logitech MX Revolution) so I don't need a Magic Mouse, but I would love a free Magic Trackpad!


    mother day colouring in. Happy Mother#39;s Day Coloring
  • Happy Mother#39;s Day Coloring

  • danielwsmithee
    Apr 25, 04:09 PM
    Contrastingly, if you need to not have one, you can always buy a MacBook Air. I don't use my FireWire 800 port often, but when I do, I'm thankful it's there. The same goes for the optical drive. Again, if you don't want it, Apple makes the MacBook Air which comes without it for the truly space-concious.
    No I can't just get an Air. Not if I want a quad-core i7 dedicated graphics, an SSD boot drive and a 1TB HD for data. That sounds awfully "Pro" to me.

    mother day colouring in. More Mother#39;s Day Coloring
  • More Mother#39;s Day Coloring

  • TheKrillr
    Aug 28, 12:58 PM
    I just want them to bump up the Macbook so then I can go ahead and buy my fist Mac. I just want to buy it when its the most current.

    Ya, that's that I'm hoping. For the same reason too. I've used macs forever, but never owned my very own (other than an old PowerMac 7500). I also hope they update the ipod soon, I want to get the latest and greatest but I need to order by wednesday :-p

    mother day colouring in. BlackDog#39;s Mother#39;s Day
  • BlackDog#39;s Mother#39;s Day

  • jafd
    Apr 25, 02:55 PM
    Those who don't want the superdrive have the option of an air. People in the music industry will always have a use for CD's. I just think no superdrive makes it an air varient not a pro.

    Ehrrrm, a superdrive is what invariably fails first and gives your laptop almost an extra kilogram of weight you need to carry around. Because taking it off means losing warranty.

    A superdrive is not a trait of a "Pro" laptop. The speed and reliability are. Imagine a RAID array of SSDs packed together in a package the size of a superdrive. Imagine a pico projector in that slot � this is what Toshiba is going to do real soon now.

    mother day colouring in. Print out these fun coloring
  • Print out these fun coloring

  • justflie
    Sep 12, 03:22 PM
    Doh, hit the submit early, sorry for the double post

    mother day colouring in. mother day colouring cards.
  • mother day colouring cards.

  • ArcaneDevice
    Mar 23, 04:51 PM
    I don't think cops here even do this. I take it a checkpoint stops all cars? I've never seen that in my decades in MN. We have frequent notices (last one was on 3/17) on our highway info signs that say "Increased DUI patrol" or similar, no actual checkpoints.

    In NC last year:

    Officers set up more than 2,300 sobriety checkpoints and dedicated patrols across the state for the Highway Safety Program�s Booze It and Lose It campaign Oct. 29-31.

    Of the 774 DWI charges issued, Wake, Mecklenburg and Pitt counties were among those with the highest number of arrests. Fifty-two people were arrested in both Wake and Mecklenburg counties; and 42 people were charged in Pitt County.

    Officers also issued 1,203 seat belt and 262 child passenger safety violations, 5,565 speeding violations and 405 drug charges.

    In addition, they arrested 242 fugitives and recovered 19 stolen vehicles.

    So forgetting the fact that they caught some drunks, they also caught criminals and junkies as well as dicks who can't drive.

    That's a bonus.

    mother day colouring in. mother day colouring sheets.
  • mother day colouring sheets.

  • AidenShaw
    Mar 24, 05:17 PM
    I would be shocked if USB 3 came to the Mac. Jobs has already said I see Thunderbolt taking the place of USB altogether.

    If they did go on and add either USB3 or blu-ray to Macs, they'd be removing it the following year, as it will become obsolete quite rapidly (maybe even more than USB 2.0).

    The USB 2.0 ports will be simply be upgraded to USB 3.0 ports - count on it once the chipsets only support USB 3.0.

    ThunderPort is going to be far more expensive than USB 3.0 - USB will stay king for most devices (those needing 100 MB/sec or less). ThunderPort will be a high end special purpose connector for RAID-arrays, breakout boxes, eSATA/USB 3.0 hubs, docking stations, specialized audio/video equipment.

    Just like cheap, ubiquitous USB 2.0 killed 1394a and 1394b in the marketplace (and killed FW1600 and FW3200 in the womb), USB 3.0 will be fine for the tasks that most people have.

    mother day colouring in. Happy Mother#39;s Day Coloring
  • Happy Mother#39;s Day Coloring

    Apr 20, 09:50 AM
    Is the Program to read it Mac only or is there a PC version??


    mother day colouring in. Mothers Day coloring page
  • Mothers Day coloring page

  • Silentwave
    Sep 16, 10:05 AM
    Please apple, Please make it soon. I've just killed ANOTHER phone :(

    mother day colouring in. Mothers Day Coloring Sheet
  • Mothers Day Coloring Sheet

  • NickFalk
    Apr 29, 12:25 AM
    You do realize that this image could end up biting Apple in the butt? In 3 years time the iPad will be where the iPhone is now: Loosing some (not all) of its marketshare to the knockoffs.

    mother day colouring in. Mothers Day Coloring Page
  • Mothers Day Coloring Page

  • AidenShaw
    Mar 22, 02:38 PM
    I want to know where to get a list of products that hook onto Thunderbolt.


    From terminal, to see all the shipping Thunderbolt products use the command

    cat /dev/null


    Coming summer 2011 - at least 3 months away.

    mother day colouring in. Mother#39;s Day Coloring Pages
  • Mother#39;s Day Coloring Pages

  • KnightWRX
    Apr 19, 06:55 AM
    The phone's look is indeed very similar.

    Of course, Samsung's Android phone has many additional items such as their pulldown notification shade with built-in radio and orientation lock controls... which many people would love for Apple to copy.

    The tablet is a different matter, and doesn't have the same look.

    But that's the thing, this simply can't be about "look and feel" since the precedents on that are firmly established by Apple vs Microsoft where Apple lost the whole "look and feel" part of the suit.

    Like you asked in the other thread, someone with access to PACER could list the infringing patents Apple is claiming so we can get some insight into what exactly Samsung is infringing upon ?

    The screenshot showing the App Drawer on the Samsung phone is quite disingenuous, and makes it look like TouchWiz is a rip off of the iOS Home screen, but the home screen isn't anything like that. That's a pull up menu of apps you have installed, how else would they represent it seeing how the icon grid has been standard for years before the iPhone came along and is standard also in other Android based devices ?

    Also, I doubt Apple has a patent on icon grids.

    Until we have more details on this lawsuit and until Samsung responds with something more than veiled threats in the media from "unidentified officials", I don't think this is quite worth making a temptest and throwing hate around, to either player (calling Samsung's Galaxy phone, the best selling Android device, KIRF and calling Apple sue-happy and scared).

    mother day colouring in. Coloring Page with Mothers Day
  • Coloring Page with Mothers Day

  • iScott428
    Mar 23, 05:43 PM
    So much for freedom. Leave it Apple!

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  • here are online mothers school

  • AppleMacDudeG4
    Apr 19, 07:07 AM
    Given the photograph, they do look very similar. I wonder what Samsung would do if Apple won the lawsuit? Would they charge Apple more for the parts that they provide to them or would they realize that it is not a good idea to make one of your largest buyers to leave you for someone else?

    mother day colouring in. mother day colouring sheets.
  • mother day colouring sheets.

  • zhenya
    Apr 11, 10:14 AM
    I agree with the guy who wants any iOS device to be the receiver of AirTunes music.

    I hear all the comments about Home Sharing and Airfoil, but both are only partial solutions that work in specific cases. I, personally, nt my old iPod Touch to function as a battery powered airport express - with some battery powered speakers attached, I can stream music anywhere (including the garden, etc) at the same time - perfect for parties. I could do that with AirFoil, but that means when I want to stream from my iPad to my Apple TV or Airport Express speakers in the living room I need a different solution. Plus i'm not sure the Apple Remote app will allow me to switch AirFoil sources on and off, which means I have to go back to my Mac to change them, it's not properly integrated, so not a great solution. Acceptable, sure, but far from ideal.

    With home sharing, your old iPod Touch already does this. It's just that you get to 'pull' the music from your library to your Touch, rather than pushing it from the computer to the Touch. Really, what more do you want?

    In reality, this is a much better solution than acting as an Airport Express, which only allows you to play one music stream to any or all devices. With home sharing, different devices can listen to different music at the same time.

    Mac Fly (film)
    Sep 15, 09:30 PM
    It's September. There's three months until Christmas. Apple wont wait that long around this time of year without holding another consumer based event. What will the event be about? Or more importantly, what products will be at this event? Well there will be one product, one major one. The iPhone�. It's coming, and my bet is, it's coming before Christmas.

    May 3, 12:25 PM
    I just called three local Apple Stores in the Seattle area and not a single one has the new iMacs in stock. Is this happening to everyone else? I really wanted to pick mine up today!

    Mar 29, 11:33 AM
    Are they smoking crack? Don't you need developers developers developers to get a platform going?

    Sep 10, 10:46 AM
    can they fit one of these into a MBP?

    Apr 22, 06:51 PM
    AMD would be producing better CPU's via increased profits if Apple chose them over Intel from the start.

    I always thought that if Apple ever went with something other than PPC that they would go with AMD. Better late than never.