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Monday, May 9, 2011

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  • kdarling
    Jun 14, 02:31 PM
    If you want to program for the iPhone without buying a Mac or learning Objective-C, you can use DragonFire:


    It's a very (very) abbreviated C++ like API with screen and button and image suppoert, that you can use to program under free Visual Studio on a PC. Even has an iPhone emulator.

    Then you click a button and it apparently sends a internally translated C to Objective-C source up to their Mac servers, which compile it for the iPhone and sends it back signed with their developer tag.

    The SDK itself is something like $50 for a local-test-only version, and $100 for the full compile-for-the-real-device version.

    For a small price you can submit it under their name to the App Store. Or something like that. Haven't tried it yet.

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  • Huntn
    Mar 13, 07:40 AM
    Washington Post 12Mar2011 (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2011/03/12/AR2011031205493.html?hpid=topnews):

    Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano said radiation at the reactor exceeded legal limits and that it was "highly possible" a partial meltdown was underway.

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  • MacinDoc
    Apr 12, 11:04 PM
    Yes, that was exactly my point. The people who know how to use the software are (sometimes) assistant editors, although I find the vast majority know how to do a few simple things, but do them well.. The original poster was implying you needed to be a hollywood film editor to judge technical capabilities, and I was saying they were the worst choice for just that reason.

    The people who know the most about editing systems are the Sr. editors who work on heavy, effects based sequences that work in broadcast production environments (I'm not talking about me here). *They* are the ones who push systems to the limits and *they* are the ones who go to NAB. (They're still only 10% of that room)

    I think that most of them will find that Apple has, at present abandoned them. That's not to say the industry won't shift, and there won't be enough 3rd party solutions out there, but they are throwing Avid a HUGE bone here.

    FCP was making big inroads into broadcast, and they're throwing it away-- for today certainly.

    Filmwise, could go either way, depending on the production. If it's got great RED/4k performance, "film" support isn't so important..

    But for the indie crowd, they're really screwing them over, if they are abandoning Color. *THAT* is what shocked me. I'm also surprised that effects weren't more advanced. I couldn't see anything on a titling tool, but that's pretty imporant for Broadcast as well.. and *no* existing solution is good for that... They really had (have?) a chance to make that right, and it seems they don't care.

    So, when I say "iMovie Pro" that isn't necessarily pejorative. This product is WAY, WAY, WAY more iMovie than FCP. That doesn't mean you can't cut "a real movie" on it. But for Broadcast TV, it's a real step down in a lot of ways-- at the very least not a step up.. The interface is very iMovie. They should have called it iMovie PRO, especially if they're getting rid of the rest of the FCS apps..

    Now if it turns out this is just the tip of the iceberg-- then we really could be in for a treat.
    Who said anything about discontinuing Color and the rest of FCS? I can't imagine Apple would think that Color could be replaced by one-click color correction. And once and for all, can we stop saying that making the interface easier to use is making the product less professional? Is OS X less professional than DOS?

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  • Apple (Mac) Wallpapers

  • ftaok
    Sep 12, 03:40 PM
    Now, who wants to start speculating when this device will become the long-rumored TiVO killer? Doesn't look like there's much room back there to fit in a coax - seems like Apple missed out on a decent opportunity...
    The speculation from my general area is that Apple will never (never say never, right..) make a DVR. It's not in their interest to make a DVR. There are several companies that are doing the DVR thing for Macs (el gato and Migila) and IMO, Apple shouldn't tread those waters.

    As for a Tivo killer, there's too much going against it for Apple to do. First of all, to do a DVR right, it's going to cost the end user a ton of money. The Tivo Series 3 will cost $800 (less with rebates) plus the monthly fees. Tivo's going to have a tough time convincing people to buy the S3 when the cablecos have an option available for $10/month.

    Here's what I would like Apple to do. Open up Front Row so that companies like el gato can integrate their eyeTV software into the Front Row system. That way, I can have a Mac sitting in the office with an eyeTV box to record HD programming off of cable. Then, I could have an iTV in my living room to play the recorded material onto my 46" LCD HDTV (which I haven't bought yet).

    If I want, I could initiate a purchase of a movie from iTMS (provided the quality of the movies are good) from the iTV itself so that it downloads onto the Mac in the office. A rental plan would be even better. That way, I could completely isolate myself from the real world.


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  • rasmasyean
    Apr 22, 09:48 PM
    No no, you're misreading me. The atheists I've spoken to, here in the UK and various European countries, tend to not back up their atheism with reasons of any sort. They just are.

    I'm pretty sure one of the main reasons for this is because they want to be "polite" and not get into a heated argument against religion. It's hardly an argument an atheist can win because they feel that the belief in itself is irrational, therefore you often cannot use any reason at all to convince someone extremely faithful that their religion is "flawed". Why bother ruining a relation with someone over something that doesn't matter to the moment. Unless someone really knows you real well, they aren't likely to say that your bible is full of BS because of XYZ.

    It's like this one time I had this hard-core martial artist friend and co-worker who is a Chi-Gung Master among other things. He said he'll assist the healing of my paintball bruise on my arm and uses his fingers pointing to it to "direct the flow of chi" or something to make my bruise heal faster. Well, yes, it was healing the next day, and the next day and he was like, "Your bruise is getting better"...and I was like "Yeah, thanks!". But what I didn't mention was that all the bruises on my torso were healing the same. Why bother bust his bubble especially since this dude spent his whole life in Kung Fu. Does it really matter if he's "wrong"? And he won't even believe he's wrong all his life. He would likely think to himself that I'm immune to "Chi Energy" so that one bruise wasn't responding "faster"...or worse, that I'm "Evil" and this "Light Side Force Power" or some crap doesn't work on me. Because he did also mention that "Iron Palm Practitioners" have some sort of "negative Chi" or something. It's not my place to argue stuff like this. So who cares. :rolleyes:

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  • BuddyTronic
    Jan 23, 01:30 AM
    I tried installing the android sdk, it is the usual linux crapfest of having to fix and tweak everything. After 1 hour I still could not get it working. Absolutely appalling, makes me wonder about google. Aapl wants max lockdown on all their **** but at least it works.

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  • dnedved
    Sep 12, 04:39 PM
    This is the device I've been waiting for 2+ years for Apple to come out with. Those who think this isn't a Tivo killer don't understand Tivo's plans. This hasn't just killed the current Tivo, this has killed the gen4 Tivo that isn't even out yet. It's stolen its thunder by at least a year if not much more.

    It's been obvious for awhile now that Tivo has been moving in their slow ponderous way towards a method of content delivery over internet. They have been doing it for ads for years now, and they want to do it with content so bad they can taste it. They hired a key guy from bittorrent several years ago, but haven't done anything impressive since. They want it, but with it taking them 3 years to go with cable card and dual tuner, they just aren't able to get their act together in time.

    Apple has played their cards exactly right. They've done what Tivo, Netflix, Microsoft, Sony, and Blockbuster would all give their collective left nut to do. They've done what every local cable company and even every media mogul SHOULD have been laying awake worrying about, which is to have made them irrelevant in one fell swoop. Not to every single consumer by a long shot, but to a significant demographic of tech-savvy consumers who know what they want and will shift paradigms to get it.

    As much as I want this right this very second, waiting for 802.11n is the right thing to do and I'm glad Apple did it. I don't have a TV, but I'll buy a 20" monitor and one of these the day it comes out. I'll buy a second one and a projector as soon as possible afterwards.

    This is going to be a much bigger deal than the iPod, and that's saying a lot.

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  • gugy
    Sep 21, 01:47 PM
    Jeez, and that's a good thing??!

    You bet it is.;)

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  • sinsin07
    Apr 9, 04:17 AM
    The delusion is this thread is hilarious. I'm seeing little casual gamers saying that Nintendo should be bought out, that Sony and Microsoft are doomed because their consoles are cheap on eBay because of device malfunctions (like Apple computers / handhelds don't?), and people claiming that touchscreens are going to replace the buttons for controllers sooner or later.

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  • mike31mets
    Apr 22, 06:34 PM
    I was in the same boat as the OP a few years back. My circumstances and motivations in learning OS X were a bit than the OP's. I've learned a good deal about OS X. The things it can and can't do and how it differs from Windows.

    So some of the stuff in this thread I knew about, but the one that I still can't figure out is switching between all windows. Everyone says just use CMD + ~. However when I do that on my iMac, all I get is a switch between windows in a particular application. I'm using the Apple standard wired keyboard with numberpad.

    In Windows, ATL + Tab switches between all windows (and it shows you the windows in a preview much like CMD + Tab does with applications).

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  • arkitect
    Mar 27, 04:55 PM
    I haven't cited any self-published book about any topic.

    No. I didn't mean that you had recommended any book that you had self-published�

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  • Apple OC
    Apr 24, 12:15 PM
    Fear of death. That's why religion was invented and why it will always exist.

    actually it is not the fear of Death ... many religious people do not worry when their time is done ... for them "the afterlife" trumps everything

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  • CylonGlitch
    Feb 16, 03:33 PM
    Two issues :

    1) From the original post "In as many as 40 models of Android devices will ship, . . . "

    How the heck is a developer supposed to support that many different devices? Even if there were 5 different screen resolutions, it would be hard to optimize your app for each. Now different RAM configurations, different CPU's, different everything, OUCH.

    2) 3 BILLION downloads! If you have had an iPhone for the last few years and have purchased maybe 50 to 100 applications; are you willing to give up not only your hardware, AND the software you purchased but all the DATA that you've put into those applications just to switch OSs? I can see if you're someone who only uses it for gaming or social networking, yeah, but many people have TONs of time and energy put into USING their applications. Yes, I know, some people will, but the masses will think twice about it.

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  • TheGeekNextDoor
    Mar 18, 12:30 PM
    Because it get's you off the unlimited GF plan then.

    If you go Data pro you must decline the unlimited GF ( the way i understand it)

    You see there is a reason for this two fold

    At&t hates unlimited Iphone users, they do

    if you have the 2gb plan and you go over you get 1gb more = 25 plus $10 = 35 and then go over to 3.1gb = 25 + 10 +10 = $45
    5gb would be $55. so they loose $25 a month from every unlimited who tethers up to 5gb

    20gb? would cost $205 a month right?

    The person who used 90gb a month? $25 plus $880 or $1005 in usage ( profit loss) to At&t

    You all yell contract contract, At&t yells profits profits profits.

    even if you pay for tethering and use 3.9gb a month
    its 45 vs 30 a month, do 15 x 50,000 theoretically thats a loss of 750,000 a month profit for At&t or 9,000,000 USD a year, I think capturing this would make my boss happy wouldn't it?

    I guess where I was going with it is for AT&T to charge me $25 for 2GB. I get to use that data how I wish. If I go over, charge me $20 for an additional 2GB. Don't make me pay $20 more per month just for the ability to use a feature of the phone. Charge me for what I use. I would be much more inclined to drop my unlimited.

    AT&T doesn't hate all unlimited iPhone users. My wife has never used over 400MB in any one month, yet I fear to give up her unlimited that I'm paying $30 a month for. I very rarely go over 800MB. I have spiked to 1.4GB, but that was only once. I still pay $30. So I think AT&T is loving me paying them $60/month for an actual usage of less than 2GB per month spread across two phones.

    I would much prefer a family plan "pool" of data. Give me 6GB for $60 to share amongst all of my phones. I have 4 of them. 2 unlimited, 1 2GB, 1 250MB. I pay $100 a month just for data! It's/I'm crazy/stupid. :)

    I share minutes. I share texts. Why not data? Then I could tie in my iPad, my refrigerator, my alarm system, etc. into AT&T and they would own me out of centralized data convenience. I don't want to pay big monthly fees for each IP based device I add onto my account.

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  • desdomg
    Mar 21, 02:52 AM
    I still say **** it and download mp3s - the music catalogue on iTMS is awful anyway. It may be "illegal" but there are lots of illegal things that most people do anyway and the world hasn't come to a stop. In the UK a few years back we had the Tory government introduce a new tax called the Poll Tax. Its introduction caused mass riots and non payment. Eventually the government had no choice but to change the law. We live in a democracy for crying out loud. The way half of you are arguing with your "its illegal" ******** sounds like we live in a corporate state. The music industry needs to be forced to introduce price competition - not force the consumer to pay rediculous prices for a song. $1 is crazy pricing. Let the market decide.

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  • HasanDaddy
    Apr 13, 05:50 AM
    Seriously - most you guys could walk into the Gates of Heaven, look at Jesus, and say "Is this all? This sucks."

    I don't think I've read a comment here that even makes sense of the importance of this update - seriously - we have posters afraid that 10 year old kids will steal their jobs (get real people!)

    The most important part of this update?

    FCP is now 64 bit, using ALL parts of the processor, meaning that rendering is a thing of the past (depending on how souped up your system is) - that right there defeats Avid

    This is a great update and one to be applauded - thank you APPLE for continually making video editing a cheap endeavor, that can remain professional - further pushing the forces at Avid to reduce the costs of their software

    God Bless you Apple

    (and last note - good editing happens because you're a GOOD EDITOR - not because you can 'afford' the right system)

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  • awmazz
    Mar 13, 11:45 AM
    This is what I dislike. Not to get all political here, but alternative energy, however nice, is nowhere even close to providing the power we need. Windmills cannot ever meet energy demand; we're talking about a 5% fill if we put them everywhere. They're also too costly at this point for their given power output. Solar energy, though promising, still has a piss poor efficiency, and thus isn't ready for prime usage for some time. There's really no other alternatives.

    And this is what I dislike about the pro-nuclear rhetoric. This is not true at all. Geo thermal energy. Cleaner, cheaper, safer than nuclear by magnitudes.

    A nuclear power station is just a steam turbine fueled by poisonous rocks instead of carbonized trees as a heat source. I believe the iPad app version of Popular Science has an illustrated article about an test plant using geothermal heat instead to run steam turbines.

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  • beniscool
    Apr 19, 09:00 PM
    What if I just want my top 10 favorites? In Windows I just drag the icon (of whatever I want) to the Start button, then drop it into the list of my favorites (I'm not sure of the actual term for this). Can this be done on a Mac?

    Since I open the same 10 or 12 programs or folders or files many times throughout the day, every day, this is pretty important to me. It would absolutely mess up my work flow to lose this feature.

    The dock

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  • samcraig
    Mar 18, 10:53 AM
    They really aren't that put together on this, as anyone who has spoken to "customer service" can attest.

    You realize there's a difference between those that "man" the CSR phones and the people responsible for the IT infrastructure, billing, etc, right?

    Just because the person that answers your call doesn't know what is going on behind the scenes doesn't mean ATT isn't FULLY aware of who is and who is not tethering or what websites you are viewing, etc.

    Apr 12, 11:00 PM
    and you can use Magic bullet or whoever wants to make a grading app inside of FCPX.

    I can't even believe I was arguing with someone who things that magic bullet and Color are even remotely the same thing.

    Goodnight, junior.

    Mar 12, 02:05 AM
    how far is Sendai from Hiroshima and Nagasaki?

    so much radiation!!!:eek:

    Sendai is well north of Tokyo. 189mi/304km.

    Hiroshima is 894km/482mi south of Tokyo, with Nagasaki being 960km/596mi south of Tokyo.

    In short, at least 5 - 10 hour's drive.


    Apr 20, 05:57 PM
    If you don't know what you're doing with your own devices then maybe you need Apple to hold your hand.

    It about not knowing what the software writers are doing with my own device. Not whether I need someone to "hold my hand".

    Oct 21, 10:03 AM
    lmao and just to add, DAMN that is alot of coresNot if you use applications that are Core Hogs. Compressing video with Toast uses up to 4 cores per instance. Compressing video with Handbrake uses up to 3 cores per instance. So, no, it's not a lot of cores at all and I will be buying a 16 core then a 32 core Mac Pro the day they ship as well. :eek:

    Oct 7, 02:30 PM
    yet all the one advantage the apple model has it killed by the fact that how difficult it is to get an app approved and no way to directly sell it to the consumer.

    That is what going to hurt apple in the good devs leaving. The best devs are starting to get fed up with apple system and looking elsewhere.

    Yeah, it's almost impossible to get an app approved (other than the 70k that have already been approved):rolleyes: And sure, most devs would much rather sell direct than have to put up with all the visibility and market power of the App Store. :rolleyes::rolleyes:

    Apple is such a nuisance!