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Monday, May 9, 2011

Lucca Chrono Trigger

Lucca Chrono Trigger. Chrono Trigger :D
  • Chrono Trigger :D

  • blahblah100
    Mar 31, 05:03 PM
    Ah linux trolls are my favorite :rolleyes: I lost count how many times I've answered a question and/or posted on something to have the random linux guy show up and spout "Or just toss out your mac/pc and install linux on a new machine". Of course no one asked about linux.


    Lucca Chrono Trigger. Lucca Ashtear from Chrono
  • Lucca Ashtear from Chrono

  • LethalWolfe
    Apr 10, 09:28 PM
    Well, yeah, it will probably make more people happy, but it will be fun to see all the people bitching and moaning around here.
    If I think the new FCP sucks I'll be b*tching and moaning too. ;)

    Okay, okay, so they have done NAB (they've never done AES, though, that I'm certain). But still: They pulled out of everything in the last couple years. Why come back to NAB? Why not just do a small-scale announcement outside of NAB's timeframe so as to maximize press?

    Apple was at the SuperMeet last year but it was totally forgettable. Adobe and Avid blew them out of the water. Why not do it at NAB when the entire industry is focused on what's happening there? All the industry press is at NAB and a ton of your target demo, especially the people that can best 'evangelize' your product, is there as well.

    Was the supermeet focused on something else at one point? Because otherwise that sounds a little hard to believe that a usergroup would exist for a product that wasn't out yet...
    Not to mention it's the 10th anniversary of the Supermeet and FCP debuted in '99.


    Lucca Chrono Trigger. Lucca from Chrono Trigger.
  • Lucca from Chrono Trigger.

  • kdarling
    Apr 20, 09:49 AM
    No they wouldn't. They have to prove likelihood of confusion, not actual confusion. Actual confusion is evidence of likelihood of confusion, but it's not necessary.

    Yes sir, that's why I explicitly said "could" have to provide proof, because I read of cases where evidence of actual confusion ended up being one of the methods used.

    Thank you, as always, for making the clarification in any case.

    Lucca Chrono Trigger. Crono, Lucca, Marle and Ayla
  • Crono, Lucca, Marle and Ayla

  • heisetax
    Jul 14, 04:16 PM
    That's nice...

    They'd better have something in between this and the iMac...

    Apple has had an inbetween model for a long time. Low end where models change more often compared to a so called high end where a good model is made, then only minor changes are made every year or so. High end clock speed will still be down after 2 years. It sounds to me that Apple makes a high end then allows it to slide to a middle ground, ownly they forget to lower the price to mid ground.

    The new Intel Macs are supposed to be top end again, so that means a general accross the board price increases. The price increases must mean we are getting a new high end product. Just wait a couple of generations & we'll have a mid-range Mac.

    Bill the TaxMan

    Lucca Chrono Trigger. Chrono Trigger Formation Arts
  • Chrono Trigger Formation Arts

  • k995
    Apr 20, 06:08 AM
    Samsung didn't stole it from Apple since they were first with the design, end of story.

    No they werent, what apple describes was already shows and build BEFORE iphone. If any apple basicly admits they copied it themselves and should get sued.

    Lucca Chrono Trigger. Theres Frog, Marle, Lucca,
  • Theres Frog, Marle, Lucca,

  • sittnick
    Apr 19, 01:50 PM
    BREAKING NEWS --- 1979 --

    RCA Launches Suit Against General Electric for infringement of 9" b&w television interface and "look and feel."

    Spokesmen for RCA maintain that GE's misappropriation of the LīfLīk� Trūwūd� woodgrain finish, leading consumers to confuse the GE imitation with the RCA original.

    Also note GE's nearly identical VHF and UHF controllers ... placed in the same location on the chassis as the RCA original. Even the speaker is located in the same way.

    RCA patented the use of separate VHF and UHF knobs in 1958, the click-stop UHF knob in 1972, and the ergonomically efficient upper right location of tuner knobs in 1952. The characteristics are innovations that help the consumer recognize an RCA television, and any use of these unique features without RCA's explicit permission is a breach of patent, trademark and copyright.

    Lucca Chrono Trigger. Chrono Trigger DS
  • Chrono Trigger DS

  • BRLawyer
    Aug 26, 02:54 PM
    Let's make it clear. The first revision of any highly integrated system is produced with an acceptable failure rate. With results coming in, failures recorded and internal testing continuous between the life of the first and second revision you will see a drop in failures in the next revision.

    Every item that is in the next revision will have been tested, more flaws removed, etc. No piece of hardware is released with zero defects. [human interference aside such as dropping the product, overheating it, intentionally forcing failure]

    If for every 1000 systems shipped approximately 20 fail, after a minimum predicted total hours, this 2% attrition rate is highly desirable. If you can't accept it you can stop using technology, now.

    For every ten people bitching on this board about failures there is over 1,000 that don't.

    That's exactly what I wanted to say...there are 10 whiners in this MR board that make a lot of noise, compared to 1,000,000 out there that don't...so we always have the impression that Apple is faltering, which is totally nonsense.

    What matter are the independent reports and the statistical data that show, continuously, how Apple leads the pack in terms of support, reliability and MTBF; the rest is anecdotal evidence.

    It's not only about industrial quality, which often depends on outsourced companies, overseas workers and contractual enforcement. It's also about giving the support a customer needs...and Apple is second to none in that.

    Lucca Chrono Trigger. playing Chrono Trigger.
  • playing Chrono Trigger.

  • PeterQVenkman
    Apr 6, 09:10 AM
    Youre aware the newest mbp (high end) 15, and 17 haveva 1gb graphics memory, right?

    CUDA is an nVidia technology. The MBP's and Mac Pro's all have ATI/AMD cards. I don't believe the mercury engine works on anything but nVidia cards

    Real-time effects with GPU acceleration
    Adobe Premiere Pro CS5 requires a 64-bit operating system and works hand-in-hand with NVIDIA� CUDA� technology. The Mercury Playback Engine uses NVIDIA GPU cards to provide a GPU-accelerated 32-bit color pipeline, and most popular effects have been rewritten to run on it � for example, effects like color correction, the Ultra keyer, and motion control all run in real time..

    Of course, Apple could finally implement Open CL. I've seen some great particle fluid demos in Blender that are based off of OpenCL and ran on AMD cards.

    Lucca Chrono Trigger. Chrono Trigger
  • Chrono Trigger

  • j_maddison
    Aug 26, 06:58 PM
    It's not really that.

    It's just that the joke is soooo done. Played out.

    It's time to turn the page.

    I never found it funnny in the first place. But then again I never found it funny a few years back when everyone was going around going WAAAZZZ UPPP! :eek: Cause it was on the budweiser advert :)

    Lucca Chrono Trigger. Chrono Trigger: Lucca by
  • Chrono Trigger: Lucca by

  • ClimbingTheLog
    Jul 20, 01:04 PM
    I hate to burst everyone's bubble, but Kentsfield will not be appearing in any of the Pro machines for some time.

    Apple will be using them exclusively in the Xserves, at for the most part of 2007. This will finally give Apple another way to distinguish their server line from their pro line.

    Apple doesn't get to operate in a bubble anymore - in Intel Land you have to compete. If they executed your plan, Dell would just go and make a "workstation" with dual Kentsfield and Apple will get crushed in Photoshop benchmarks. No way they're going to allow that.

    Lucca Chrono Trigger. Chrono Trigger Art 4
  • Chrono Trigger Art 4

  • 59031
    Aug 7, 06:50 PM
    Is Leopard going to take advantage of the 64 bit Dual G5?

    Yes, absolutely:

    Enhanced 64-bit Support
    Leopard delivers 64-bit power in one, universal OS. Now Cocoa and Carbon application frameworks, as well as graphics, scripting, and the rest of the system are all 64-bit. Leopard delivers 64-bit power to both Intel- and PowerPC-based Macs, so you don’t have to install separate applications for different machines. There’s only one version of Mac OS X, so you don’t need to maintain separate operating systems for different uses.

    Bridge the Generation Gap
    Now that the entire operating system is 64-bit, you can take full advantage of the Xeon chip in Mac Pro and Xserve. You get more processing power at up to 3.0GHz, without limiting your programs to command-line applications, servers, and computation engines. From G3 to Xeon, from MacBook to Xserve, there is just one Leopard.

    Lucca Chrono Trigger. Chrono Trigger characters,
  • Chrono Trigger characters,

  • FF_productions
    Jul 14, 04:14 PM
    2003: "In 12 months, we'll be at 3GHz".
    Mid 2006: "I want to talk about 2.66GHz" although 4 cores running at 2.66GHz (Yum! :D ).

    Steve Jobs really must have been embarassed after claiming we'd have 3 ghz when we still can't even pass 2.7 ghz without a huge unstable liquid cooling system. Maybe Intel will bring us 3 ghz next month, a quad 3 ghz Xeon, does that even exist?

    My problem with having 4 cores at 2.6 ghz is what will the other Mac Pro's offer? One more month...

    Lucca Chrono Trigger. of four Chrono Trigger
  • of four Chrono Trigger

  • antster94
    Mar 22, 12:44 PM
    Competition is good.

    Lucca Chrono Trigger. Lucca - Chrono Trigger
  • Lucca - Chrono Trigger

  • FriarNurgle
    Apr 27, 08:17 AM
    for all the tin foil hatters out there, what will happen to the phone performance when the location services are turned off?

    Lucca Chrono Trigger. Lucca - Chrono Trigger
  • Lucca - Chrono Trigger

  • Pontavignon
    Mar 31, 07:54 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPod; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8G4)

    Finally Google admits Jobs was right about fragmentation and recognises that to fight Apple it must become Apple. But it won't admit it. Prepare for lots of "closed is open and open is closed" stuff. Plus: the state of emergency justifying this closure is temporary: sort of like in Syria 50 years ago.

    You know, I am truly sorry for the idealists in the open source community. They deserve better.

    Lucca Chrono Trigger. Fanart: Lucca, Chrono Trigger
  • Fanart: Lucca, Chrono Trigger

  • bagelche
    Apr 5, 09:31 PM
    I think it won't be released yet, but they've got it to a strong showable point. Underlying architecture probably relies on a few features tied to Lion (QT stuff and more?). Maybe we'd need to upgrade to Lion for it. Ready to go in June or whenever Lion actually hits.

    Lucca Chrono Trigger. SQEX Chrono Trigger Formation
  • SQEX Chrono Trigger Formation

  • technocoy
    Nov 29, 01:00 PM
    I can't get over the blind greed of these companies.

    I'm waiting on Apple to get "threatened" by the bastards one time too many and then Apple says "ok" then approaches all the artists and opens the store to them paying part of their production costs and then giving them 80 percent of the profit off every song sold. Let's see how long the record companies KEEP their artists after that.

    They better wake up to the new century before their artists do.

    With most music savvy artists able to produce an album for less than a few thousand bucks now, Apple could turn on the industry and just blow it out at any moment. the industry could fragment into producers and mastering studios that get only for the service of producing and then it goes up to iTunes where it's subjected to reviews by peers and by a DIGG type system to promote it.

    Browsing and sampling does a lot to increase ones musical library.. I found 80 percent of my new music by just searching and browsing on napster back in the day... I would find a new artist by chance and then go and by their CD. If apple would make their previews longer you would have the same type environment.

    I'm not against a company making billions, but those billions should be made from giving the people who put them there what they want.

    ugh. sorry, rant over.

    Lucca Chrono Trigger. Lucca (Chrono Trigger)
  • Lucca (Chrono Trigger)

  • Cinch
    Aug 27, 02:39 PM
    That doesn't make sense, marketing wise. If they do anything to the MacBooks and iMacs they would at least bump their speeds. It doesn't matter f the 2GHz Merom chip is faster than the 2GHz Yonah chip, the consumers don't give a crap about the chip... they want to see "them GHz numbers" go up.

    The consequence is a laptop with a power cord attach to them feeding the insatiable appetite of the thermo nuclear reactor we call the CPU. For the love of reason and common sense, why can't Apple make a laptop with a day worth of battery powered. How about OLED display and multicore chip running at much lower frequency. Enough with the Ghz BS; what is the different between a 2.16Ghz and a 2.33 Ghz processors again?


    Lucca Chrono Trigger. Chrono Trigger#39;s dystopian
  • Chrono Trigger#39;s dystopian

  • zac4mac
    Aug 11, 02:14 PM
    I'm on my 3rd cell phone now. First was a panasonic brick and was CDMA. It totally sucked. Switched to GSM 2 years ago but initially Cingular sent the wrong phone - an LG flip. Reception was as bad as the CDMA but roaming was much better. After 3 weeks, I got the phone I ordered, a t637 and I love it. I have NO desire to go back to CDMA and I won't lose the tight BT link I have to my Macs with the t637, but it's getting old and due replacement.

    I'm watching and waiting...


    Mar 31, 02:49 PM
    This wont end androids openness. It will make is so that there is more of a consistent experience amung all android devices.

    Oh, then I can take the Honeycomb source code and do whatever I want with it?

    Oh, wait, I can't? Then how doesn't this make Android 'closed source'?

    Mar 22, 12:51 PM
    Competition is good.

    Can we make this a sticky so that we are not compelled to reiterate this basic fact over and over. Yes, competition is good. So is breathing.

    Apr 7, 11:35 PM
    You might want to look at Best Buy's pricing again.

    All iPads, iPods and Macs are sold $.99 (at minimum) above Apple.

    Time Capsule 1TB $334.99 at Best Buy, $299.00 at Apple
    2TB $499.99, $499.00 at Apple

    Airport Extreme - $189.99 at Best Buy $179.00 at Apple
    Express, $109.99 at Best Buy, $99.00 at Apple

    The small accessories are just as bad. And Apple isn't the only brand they mark over MSRP too. I wouldn't be surprised is Bose products were too.

    I went to buy a Time Capsule 1TB from these goons one day and noticed the pricing. I pulled up Apple.com's pricing of the TC and asked the "mac specialist" WHY they are charging a $34.99 premium over Apple themselves. He instantly said "no problem, we'll price match." I told him I'd buy it now for instant gratification, and then order from Amazon for $285 w/no tax and free Prime shipping.

    Then I'd return the overpriced "pricematched" one back to best buy. He said I can't do that.

    I did it 48 hrs later.

    I hate that place. If they just had the MSRP Apple price on the shelf without me having to catch them trying to make an extra few bucks, I would have bought it and walked out happy.

    That stunt pissed me off and I hope they had to resell it as an open box.

    I hate Best Buy.

    Apr 12, 12:10 PM
    You open it from Compressor, in the top right corner. Then, if you have a cluster (set up in Qmaster) it will show on top of "Your computer"
    Here you can monitor your render progress and see how many cores are used.
    See attached screen shot
    I have not set up a cluster, so I only see "my computer" in the list.

    Apr 25, 01:56 PM
    You aren't being tracked by Apple, you aren't being tracked to the meter. You can opt out, just switch off location services.

    And by the way even if you do switch off location services your location is still being tracked by the mobile phone companies everytime your phone makes a connection with one of their masts, which happens everytime you move cell. Oh and this happens with every phone, otherwise they wouldn't work.

    Stop being a paranoid sheep and start reading the facts of this case not the media hype.

    well said... this is just hysterical that all this fuss is being made over a file store privately on your own phone and your own computer and not being sent to anyone else. Yes what a total outrage my own devices are storing my own information in a place that only I can access! Grow up people!