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Monday, May 9, 2011

iphone wallpaper rainbow

iphone wallpaper rainbow. iPhone wallpaper and iPod
  • iPhone wallpaper and iPod

  • Consultant
    Apr 20, 05:31 PM
    It will be interesting 10 years from now to compare the number of viruses that will have occurred on android vs. iOS.

    There are already a score of malware and spyware on Android, including software that phish for bank customer information of Fandroids.

    iphone wallpaper rainbow. Starsfield Rainbow wallpaper
  • Starsfield Rainbow wallpaper

  • Kilamite
    May 2, 09:15 AM
    I don't believe this can install without user intervention? Even the screenshot shows you need to click continue.

    iphone wallpaper rainbow. Seatac Tarmac Rainbow – iphone
  • Seatac Tarmac Rainbow – iphone

  • Dippo
    Mar 18, 03:15 PM
    Personally I think this is great! Any sort of DRM sucks, even if it is rather "liberal". That's like giving all your customers in your shop a pair of handcuffs to prevent theft, and saying "but these cuffs are really comfortable".

    I can't see anything really wrong with this program.
    You still have to buy the music!

    The labels need to get over trying to shove this DRM crap down our throats.
    It will never work! This has been demostrated time and time again.

    Of course Apple will shut it down soon.

    iphone wallpaper rainbow. iphone-wallpaper-Smokey-
  • iphone-wallpaper-Smokey-

  • jrhone
    Jul 11, 11:06 PM
    AWESOME.....I will buy one as SOON as its released.....Logic Pro with Woodcrest......YUMMMM.....

    iphone wallpaper rainbow. Rainbow Fall iPhone 4
  • Rainbow Fall iPhone 4

  • AppliedVisual
    Oct 30, 11:11 PM
    No AV you misunderstand. Mac Pro comes with 4 HD Sleds built in. What he's asking is if we could get more so we can have a bunch of HDs already mounted in additional sleds so we can pop 'em in real fast whenever we need to change them out for didfferent client projects.Good to know.

    Oh... That makes much more sense now. :cool:

    Now what about instead of dealing with the solution of swapping drives in/out of the Mac Pro, instead use an external fiber channel or eSATA drive enclosure with hot-swappable drives? Fiber channel would be expensive unless you're already using it, but eSATA enclosures aren't all that bad.

    iphone wallpaper rainbow. Download for iPhone
  • Download for iPhone

  • ryme4reson
    Oct 8, 11:54 AM
    The point you had said before was that the reason x86 sucked was that it was 25 year old technology.
    For all purposes I think the PPC is a fast architecture, BUT and here is the but lets say the factor is 1.2 or 1.3, or 2.0 (for BACKTOTHEMAC) All that was well and fine when the clock speed was not a HUGE gap as it is today. Now I have the fastest Single Proc and my 933 is NOT NOT NOT the same speed as a 1.8PV or Athlon 1800+ Also, the 933 was offered by Apple only a few months ago, where a 1.8 can be had in the low end lines on the PC world where the iMac is supposed to compete.

    My 933 on the 133 bus is only going to do so much. With the 933 they increased the pipelines(just like PV to scale MHZ) and increased the cache. As far as speed, I think Windows itself is fast software(2K and XP, and the x86 as an entire arch is fast (SYS, MEM, CPU, etc) It may not be the most effecient, or crash proof but who cares, its 2-3X in terms of speed FASTER(Machine speed, not actual). OSX.x may never be as fast as its Microsoft counterpart, but the services and UI are of greater importance.

    Also, while intel released 3.0GHZ and new tech after new tech, are you still going to say Apples newest offering in 4 months say (Dual 1.4, with 2 SUPERDRIVES, or some other goodie to direct you away from its slow speed increase) is going to keep up?

    Face it, as it stands x86 is CHEAPER, and FASTER, BUT I avoid PC's at all costs. 1. I live in Cupertino (Home of Apple) 2. I am more than an Apple user, I am a fan of its products.

    This is an Apple site, and I am on an Apple as we speak, but I will not fall for the fallacious arguments you are trying to make

    iphone wallpaper rainbow. wallpaper rainbow six 3 raven
  • wallpaper rainbow six 3 raven

  • r1ch4rd
    Apr 23, 03:46 PM
    I've concluded American Atheists who are continually challenged on their beliefs and "surrounded by enemies" are more likely to read into atheism and all it entails, rather like a convert to a religion knows the religion better than people who were born into it. Europe is very secular, compared to the US at least, and thus a lot of people are "born into" atheism/secularism.

    Well now, I don't think being an atheist actually entails anything. I certainly don't do anything specific related to it, but I know what you mean :).

    I think this is a positive thing that people can be pushed towards science and understanding - even if it is because they are having to constantly defend themselves!

    Who knows, perhaps they will find something they are passionate about and push forward science even further. Religious groups don't come accross as particularly progressive, so I guess it's up to "us" ;)

    iphone wallpaper rainbow. iPhone Wallpaper — Rainbow
  • iPhone Wallpaper — Rainbow

  • Howdr
    Mar 18, 01:10 PM
    Look I'm not childish or demanding I just disagree with the way At&t has sucked many of us into the Unlimited plan from the beginning. After a time we all had it and they came out with the secrete 5GB idea. You want posts of me complaining back in 2008? Why ? I don't have to prove anything to anyone to state my opinion and dislike of the policy.

    Don't point the finger at me and say I'm stealing, I paid for my internet use every month for over 3 years now.

    I'll cut back on the righteous talk if the finger pointing stops.

    I do not tether on a regular basis and have not for 6 months.

    I do not Download with my phone except apps and docs.

    I agree there can be abuse even with unlimited

    (ie: the people who claim 90 and 120Gb a month DL)

    You feel your right,

    I feel I'm right,

    we disagree, end of story :cool:

    Also At&t will do this from time to time and unless something changes that stops them there is nothing we can do about it.

    iphone wallpaper rainbow. iPhone Wallpaper — Rainbow
  • iPhone Wallpaper — Rainbow

  • Rodimus Prime
    Mar 13, 11:50 PM
    Why can't people get away from the concept of a centralized power source, like a coal or nuclear plant or even a wind farm to generate their national needs? I even see arguments that 'we don't have the space' for alternative power. Look at an aerial photo of any city and all you see is miles and miles of dead empty blank rooves. Solar panels or even small wind turbines on every single roof in every city will have people either reducing their reliance on a central power source or even contributing their own electricity to the grid to the point you may not even need a central power source, or maybe just one - which could be a wind farm or a nice clean geothermal plant.

    I sure as hell would not want wind turbines on the roof of houses. The noise from them would drive me insane.

    I am a fan of putting solar cells on the roof of houses and then the excess power is sold back to the grid. That helps reduce it by a fair amount. Not that it would work in a large part of the country due to not being cost effective. You need to be farther south for it to really be worth it and have fair amount of sun shine.

    biggest thing is we need more efficiency out of what we have. HVAC is some of the biggest power draining system and improve those and it greatly improves the over all system.

    iphone wallpaper rainbow. rainbow eye iphone wallpaper
  • rainbow eye iphone wallpaper

  • AhmedFaisal
    Mar 15, 10:58 PM
    I see you still haven't explained what you meant by "contained".

    I did.

    iphone wallpaper rainbow. Rain On Windshield - iPhone
  • Rain On Windshield - iPhone

  • CTYankee
    Oct 25, 10:40 PM
    Each process is it's own thread. And most processes have multiple threads. Unless you only always have one program open at a time, more cores always can help speed up your system.

    Open and doing something. Safari, Mail, iTunes, and working in photoshop probably won't benefit much from quad cores. Batching in PS, Aperture and doing a render in FCP would.

    I am on the brink of buying something. What, time will tell. If the quad core does make a marked difference when running PS and at most one background process I'll consider it. Otherwise its a Dual core 2.66 for me.

    iphone wallpaper rainbow. rainbow tree. by wallpaper
  • rainbow tree. by wallpaper

  • charliehustle
    Oct 15, 07:10 PM
    Some conventions are worth adopting, if only for the reasons they are created. For instance, when writing in the English language, the convention is to begin at the left, with each sentence starting with an upper case letter.

    Now, I have no evidence to guide me here, but I suspect you're either lazy, or your shift key has broken on your keyboard. PCs do tend to ship with poor, cheap keyboards based on a thirty year old design.

    But the important thing is that no matter if your points were in some small way credible, by presenting them the way you have, you've rendered the possibility of their credibility less easy to discern.

    Thank you for participating. The exit is on the left and the keyboard repair service is next to the typing 101 class.

    However, I love Google for many reasons. However, none of them is not that they make great hardware, support great software, support great hardware, or understand how to do any of these.

    Google's support of Adroid is both admirable and, to a large extent altruistic, as well as an attempt to expand into other markets. But like Amazon, they don't understand the game. The kindle, for instance is actually useless as a textbook medium, yet this hasn't stopped Bezos from hawking it as such.

    Apple's iPhone works because it has lineage, in terms of history, hardware and software development, and integrity, as well as reliability, developer support and marketing advantage. iMac begat PowerBook Ti, begat iPod, begat iPhone. NeXT begat Darwin, begat Mac OS X, begat iPhone OS. None of this is an accident. Apple designed this process. And they began in 1997 - if not earlier.

    Android only began as a techie wet dream in and is the 21st Century answer to the Kibbutz, or workers' collective. Both were very optimistic ideas with worthy ideals. But both failed because they relied upon a greater input of encouragement and resources than they were ever capable of producing in terms of meaningful contribution or profits.

    I'm sure there may well come a day when there are 125,000 developers working on Android applications. There may even be 85,000 applications available for the Android platform too - from some dark corners of the net. But no matter how many manufacturers jump on the Android handset bandwagon, none of them will come close to creating a coherent user-base, or to matching Apple's business model.

    And that, my dear typographically challenged friend is the key here. Ultimately, numbers are irrelevant if they only represent a fragmented 'diaspora' of the Android faithful. The sum total will only ever be quotable as a statistic.

    it's funny how you're complaining about sentence structure, when it's clear you can't even read...

    read post #134, incase you're too retarded to scroll,
    here you go

    Ya, Don't get me wrong, I own an iPhone, and I can't really see anything coming close to it in the next few years.
    And it's not that big of a deal if google takes over when it comes to market share, especially when they're giving android away for free.. (from a phone manufacturer point of view, it's saving them money)

    IMO, Google knows that it's gonna be pretty hard for them to increase revenue from anywhere except advertising, and they want to allow people who (for whatever reason) choose not to buy an iphone, still a chance to browse then net easily to click on their adds...

    17% of phones sold last year were smartphones, and I think thats going to increase year over year.. and regardless of what hardware you have, all google wants is more and more people on the internet, since they dominate online search.. (Bing is losing market share as we speak, and they're the only company with deep enough pockets to take a stab at google (microsofts operating cashflow is around 20 Billion, apple is only around 10 Billion)
    and apple does not look like they will ever try to tackle google when it comes to search..

    and personally, if there are over 30 phones running on android, it wouldn't be too hard to believe that for every one person that buys an iphone, there might be two people who purchase a phone that runs on android..

    but again, I think people assume that this means apple will be inferior in some way because they will not dominate the market share..and this is not true..
    they will continue to make a great product..and at the end of the day, it will inspire other companies to make better products..

    and I know I just blabed on, but about the last part of your post.. I think it would be really hard to see who is making more money,
    because google does not receive cash for android, but apple gains income from each iphone sale..
    but google indirectly makes money off any smartphone that can access the internet (assuming they use google search)

    at the end of the day, I like both companies for the service they provide.. I don't have a beef with apple in any way, even though it may sound like it..

    next time read before you post so you don't look stupid while trying to act smart..
    key word is "trying"

    ps. you can edit and send a final draft of my post to me through PM

    iphone wallpaper rainbow. Creative Shroom Rainbow iPhone
  • Creative Shroom Rainbow iPhone

  • Bill McEnaney
    Mar 27, 06:16 PM
    Everyone, as usual I'm answering posts in a non-chronological order. I'm not ignoring anyone. I need to think hard about what to write about a post by Gelfin. So I may need two or three days to think about it.

    Eraserhead wants peer-reviewed scientific articles, so I'll look for them, too. I already have an article in mind by a secular author named "Spitzer" who helped the American Psychiatric Association normalize homosexuality before he changed his mind about that normalization.

    Meanwhile, please listen to Nicolosi's first answer in video 3 of the first set of videos, the last part of the three-part interview, where he says that homosexuals have a right to live a gay lifestyle (http://www.josephnicolosi.com/videos2/). That doesn't sound like what a brainwasher would say, does it?

    iphone wallpaper rainbow. Albums: iPhone Wallpaper
  • Albums: iPhone Wallpaper

  • jragosta
    Mar 18, 04:43 PM
    Obviously, Apple will freak (what else is new...), but all this does is provide a shortcut around the burn-to-CD-and-rerip shortcut that's built into iTunes. You still need to buy the music. So, at best, this makes it easier to share music, but it doesn't provide a new capability.

    I think it's a great convenience. I'm just saying that the inevitable wrath-of-God response from Apple is somewhat unwarranted.

    I disagree. What he's doing is illegal and unethical.

    If you burn a CD and rip it back, you're losing quality. The owners of the music (mostly RIAA, but anyone who licenses it to Apple) apparently decided that they can live with that. They did NOT agree to what this guy is doing.

    It's theft, pure and simple.

    More like the wrath-of-Jobs! :rolleyes:

    Anyway, I've never been one to agree with the Windows people that argue the security-by-obscurity for why Mac OS X is not hacked to bits like Windows, but it would seem that this adds aome serious fire to their arguement. Here in music where Apple is the most popular and widely used, they are getting hacked (semi-successfully) more often than their WMA counterpart.

    There's a big difference. This is not a system security flaw. It's simply a matter of someone reverse engineering a file format. AFAIK, there isn't a single file format which has not been reverse engineered. That's actually a trivial task.

    iTMS just used web service interfaces and XML over HTTP... It will be interesting to see just how they could stop an app from accessing.

    What is more likely is that the iTMS servers would add in the DRM and buyer metadata before it gets downloaded. Its actually a little shocking that it wasn't designed to do that in the first place!

    Yes, they could do that.

    They will also easily obtain a court injunction to stop this. What he's doing is illegal from two perspectives. First, it's a violation of the iTMS terms of service (which allows only iTunes access). Second, it's a violation of DCMA.

    Personally I think this is great! Any sort of DRM sucks, even if it is rather "liberal". That's like giving all your customers in your shop a pair of handcuffs to prevent theft, and saying "but these cuffs are really comfortable".

    I happen to disagree - but that's because my company depends on the ability to protect our intellectual property in order to stay in business.

    The music owners have the right to do whatever they want with the music. You can legally (and morally) do what they request or live without their music.

    Your position is the same as a person who steals a BMW because he doesn't like the purchase terms.

    This is great news - by removing the DRM I can play my music on any device I like. It is my music after all. .

    No, it's not your music. The music belongs to whoever the artist sold it to (usually a member of the RIAA). They sell you a license to use the music under a given set of terms. If you violate the terms that you paid for, you're stealing.

    And if the industry would sell cheaper music without DRM then P2P wouldn't be as big of a problem.

    If BMW would sell cheaper 5 series cars, no one would steal them.

    The music industry owns the music - and they're free to price it however they want. If you think the price is too high, your only legal and moral response is to not buy it. Not liking the price is not justification for theft.

    iphone wallpaper rainbow. Rainbow City iPhone wallpaper
  • Rainbow City iPhone wallpaper

  • sisyphus
    Sep 25, 11:59 PM
    http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com)
    Kentsfield/Core 2 Quadro is also unlikely to see an inclusion in any current models.

    Which of course leads to the missing piece! :D

    We can't just go from 2 Cores on the iMac to 8 Cores on the Mac Pro without a handy dandy 4 core prosumer model in the middle. ;)

    (Somebody around here has to keep the "Mac" computer around in the rumor threads). :rolleyes:

    I had thought Apple was going to release a Conroe based computer, but now seeing that Intel is releasing the Kentsfield as early as Late October/Early November it would make no sense. Apple would release the machine in September, be unable to meet demand then replace it less than 2 months later? Not very Appleish (ignore the November/January iMac occurence last year ;) ).

    But now that would make a hot item for the Christmas shopping season wouldn't it? This is the reason Apple didn't release a Conroe based system... too short of a time in the pipeline.

    This now gives us the perfect differentiated lineup going into Christmas:

    Mac Mini - Core Duo
    iMac - Core 2 Duo
    Mac - Core 2 Quattro
    Mac Pro - Dual Cloverton (May not arrive until MWSF)

    I'd buy myself a Mac Quattro for Christmas! :D

    iphone wallpaper rainbow. Related iPhone 4 Wallpapers
  • Related iPhone 4 Wallpapers

  • theheadguy
    Aug 29, 02:27 PM
    I have to say, I am APPALLED by the irresponsible attitude of some people on this forum (and probably the world). Businesses, corporations, governments, AND individuals should all be behaving in a socially and environmentally responsible manner. This is in no way "anti-progress". When did you all gain the right to be so selfish, self-centred, and bigoted in your beliefs?
    Absolutely. People act as if this world is expendable. As soon as you mention Greenpeace, morons seem to go on auto-pilot and once they do that you can't stop them.

    iphone wallpaper rainbow. Think Linux iPhone Wallpaper
  • Think Linux iPhone Wallpaper

  • flopticalcube
    Mar 13, 03:12 PM
    Automobile safety features and breakdowns compared to nuclear disaster.


    Which have killed more? Hint: it's not nuclear reactors.

    iphone wallpaper rainbow. rainbow iphone ipod touch
  • rainbow iphone ipod touch

  • charliehustle
    Oct 8, 11:16 AM
    the reason this topic has gotten so long is due to the fact that most apple fans have no idea what they're talking about..
    they love apple and they will defend it to the death, even when their argument has no logic..

    this has nothing to do with which product is better..

    it's the simple fact that android will be available on a greater number of handsets compared to apple..

    you guys need to look at the Microsoft vs Apple situation..
    regardless of what you prefer or believe is a better product,
    the one that makes software and licenses it out dominates the market share

    you really must have a thick skull not to understand that..

    iphone wallpaper rainbow. iPhone Wallpaper — Rainbow
  • iPhone Wallpaper — Rainbow

  • skellener
    Sep 12, 07:24 PM
    At $2 a pop I'd be out maybe $6 per month.

    Most shows air once a week so that's 3-5 times a month. So even 1 show will cost you $6-$10. So sure, if you watch one televison show (say LOST) at 3-5 episodes a month your doing fine. I would imagine most people take in 5 shows (3-5 episodes a month) or more per month. That's $30-$50 already for only 5 televison shows a month. $50 gets me all the standard and HD channels on DirecTV. iTunes is still not at that quality/price point yet.

    Apr 21, 02:53 AM
    Its amazing how all those "smart" Android users are still poorer than the average iOS user, and spend less than the average iOS user.

    Amazing that all these "smart" people just make so much less money...

    Are you ****ing serious?

    I don't use Apple products but oh my god I feel bad for you guys. Having a fanboy like this must be ridiculously crappy.

    Apr 12, 11:48 PM
    Might be great down the road, but something tells me my FCP7 will be plenty useful for at least the next couple years.So if you upgrade to the new Final Cut Studio which includes the new Final Cut Pro 7 for $299 will Final Cut Pro X be a free upgrade or what? :confused:

    Never mind. Apple still has a NEW corner on the FCP page and my Zite just posted a 21 month old Apple press release as if it was news. :rolleyes:

    Jul 11, 09:54 PM
    I cannot wait!!!

    Mar 20, 07:28 PM
    Which is why copyright is a bunch of bull.

    I think you missed the point of that one. h'biki was saying that if someone, let's say someone well-known, like Britney Spears, got a copy of your wedding video and used it to make a music video for her latest song, that it wouldn't hurt anyone. It'd just be infringing on copyright, after all, even though it's your face and your wedding that's now on MTV without your permission.

    And to your earlier comment, yes, breaking the law is wrong. If the law is unfair and unjust, you change the law. The exception to this is when the law, again, as I said and you must have skipped, causes you direct personal or meaningful financial harm. Then you might have an argument for breaking the law. Otherwise, the right thing to do is to have the law changed. The digital music situation fits into this category. If you break the law, you don't encourage the law being changed, and there is no immediacy of threat to justify your illegal actions except that it's more convenient for you and that you don't care about the law. You're the reason DRM exists in the first place.

    Sep 12, 05:35 PM
    Whoa there! Setting up a media center / 360 extender setup is far from 5x the price of the iTV. As a matter of fact, the 360 is the SAME price as the iTV, 299$.

    You of course will need a media center pc to make this work, but you need a pc/mac to make the iTV work as well, so thats an added expense on either side.

    Does the PC have to be next to the xbox, or is there a way to transfer (hopefully stream) video wirelessly? And if you're using a PC for this, does it tie up the PC or can you use it for other things?

    I have a Sony HD-DVR I use to pause live HDTV as well as record. While having a Elgato tuner hooked up to the mac and recording programs there and then streaming it to the iTV box is doable, you won't be able to pause live TV. That is the kind of integration Apple needs to bring to the table.

    What makes you think that wouldn't be possible? Elgato does allow pausing live TV, don't they? I don't see why that couldn't be passed on through the iTV.

    Except the quality just won't be there yet with this device. As everyone runs out to buy flat screen TVs this year and next, they're going to get home and want to play iTunes movies only to be completely dismayed by the 640x480 content/quality. 4:3 resolution, yuck :confused:

    I know it's 802.11 and certainly features an HDMI out, but streaming 720p HD TV takes about 480 Mbps of bandwith, according to Ars:http://arstechnica.com/news.ars/post/20060906-7681.html Even 802.11n would have trouble with an uncompressed 720p signal, so quality will most likely be compromised as streaming video is increasingly compressed.

    There's no reason to use uncompressed HD, all consumer HD formats are compressed and quality can still be very good. Broadcast HDTV only uses about 20Mb, easily handled by .n. And I doubt many people will be "dismayed" by iTunes quality. Right now, isn't HDTV usage way ahead of HD dvd usage? So aren't most people already watching "dvd quality" on their HDTV's?

    As an IT consultant, I recommend for anyone who's thinking of using an Airport Express for audio or a Mac Mini for a living room computer (or now this new iTV that will come out next year) to just spend the money on getting a wired connection. Ultimately, wireless will not be at the quality it needs to be to handle this throughput CONSISTENTLY. I still get skips on my Airpot Express when streaming from iTunes.

    You're using the .g wireless standard, there's a .n standard on the way which is considerably faster. Looks like the new one is what apple will use.