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Monday, May 9, 2011

floral wallpaper room

floral wallpaper room. Classic Room Wallpapers
  • Classic Room Wallpapers

  • dudemac
    Mar 18, 07:11 PM
    DRM has everything
    However, this is a major breach of security for Apple, that a home-brew front end can access their music store. Apple, will have to move on this big-time with everything they have. But it will require a major shift in their infrastructure to permanently fix.

    I have to disagree that this is somehow a security breach. I have seen other front-end for the itms, just not ones that allowed purchase. It has been awhile but I think there was a extension in firefox that allowed you to access the itms database. So really this is just a feature enhancement of that.

    floral wallpaper room. Floral Wallpaper. Tags:
  • Floral Wallpaper. Tags:

  • AceCoolie
    Mar 18, 11:09 AM
    I want to jail break my iphone 4 and install mifi. The reason is to create a mobile router that my iPad and camera can connect to so that images shot my camera will appear on my iPad. This will not involve any data going to the internet. Is this a violation of my ATT agreement? Will then even be able to tell I'm doing it?

    floral wallpaper room. Decor Flower Wallpaper
  • Decor Flower Wallpaper

  • bigandy
    Jul 12, 03:10 AM
    here's hoping for a Quad with the Xeon 5160s - 3Ghz each core :D

    floral wallpaper room. -room-with-wallpaper-
  • -room-with-wallpaper-

  • gatearray
    Apr 20, 05:25 PM
    "Few customers want to be a system's integrator."


    floral wallpaper room. modern living room,
  • modern living room,

  • javajedi
    Oct 9, 09:34 PM
    Alex, thank you for setting the record straight. I am so sick and tired of hearing the over and over highly fallacious arguments. In many ways these ppl are worse than Windows bigots. They *think* they are educated but aren't; at least Windows bigots don't pretend.

    I can personally vouch for the miserable performance on double-precision floating point: The Java test I made is a simple timing comparison of a double-loop of 200,000,000 type double fp ops (multiply,square root, and addition).

    Lower scores are better:

    G4 800: 104251
    P4 2.6: 5890

    *VIA C3 Ezra: 103043

    Incidentally I ran the test on my linux "cube" box. Actually more of a rectangle- but hey? :) Looks like this http://www.tech-report.com/reviews/2001q4/shuttle-sv24/index.x?pg=1

    Anyways, I put in a VIA C3 processor. 800 mhz, runs very cool, no fan required. The chip is extremely reasonable.. I paid $29 for it 3 months ago. In my benchmark this low end, elcheapo $29 chip outperformed/equaled my $3500 PowerBook.

    Jesus Jumping Christ ppl.. wake up and listen to what alex is saying; he is *NOT* arbitrarily pulling this out of his ass.

    You may hear a bunch of flames from others, but not me. I for one (and many others on this board) thank you for taking the time. Regardless though, no matter what, there will always be those individuals that will not listen to logic and reason. Instead they will dismiss the truth along with anyone and everything as being �PC biased�. People need to stop treating this like religion and start being real.

    floral wallpaper room. green floral wallpaper,
  • green floral wallpaper,

  • Evangelion
    Jul 13, 08:46 AM
    So theres no need to say all that stuff- fact of the matter is you could put a faster chip in for the same price.

    What makes you think that? Do you believe that it doesn't take any time or money to re-design the internals of the iMac? Apple has two choice basically:

    a) replace the Core Duo in iMac and replace it with Merom

    b) re-design the internals of the iMac, and replace the Core Duo with Conroe

    And heat-output might come in to play here. Conroe might not be P4-hot, but it's a lot hotter than Merom is.

    floral wallpaper room. mauve floral wallpaper,
  • mauve floral wallpaper,

  • NathanMuir
    Mar 25, 09:25 AM
    Subtract the individuals affiliated with gangs and the mentally unstable and we're staring at a long list of homosexuals murdered by "mainstream" individuals, many of whom attended church on a regular basis and were in fact catholic. That their religious affiliations are not immediately telegraphed is not evidence of absence, but rather of the fact that 76% of the population self-identifies as Christian.

    I did not miss the fact that you tried to expand the discussion point. ;)

    To stretch my own analogy, it also ignores that the men who put on white hoods and terrorized black people were not "mainstream" white people either, but they were nevertheless acting on the attitudes held by "mainstream" white people. They were radical, but saw themselves as the ones with the strength of will to enforce the true will of the "mainstream." It's all very well to believe that the darkies should keep their place, but somebody's got to do the work of keeping them there when they step out of line.

    However, I will return to what I touched on before: the Catholic Church (and Christian churches generally in the United States) currently have no need for terrorist thugs. They have great political influence and have convinced a significant plurality (seemingly no longer a majority, I am gratified to point out) that they are entitled to subjugate others bloodlessly and anonymously through the democratic process.

    At least this is so until the courts clearly state once and for all that this is incompatible with our law and our society. Incidentally, that's also when the thugs will really come out, and you watch how many of them claim to be doing the Lord's work.

    Unfortunately, none of that is relevant to the original point of the thread. Looking back through the thread, Catholics and Catholicism were/ are the discussion. Not all 'Christians' and the 'mainstream'.

    If we constantly expand the topic, none of what was previously said is relevant.

    Had a more conservative member of this board attempted to 'stretch' the original point of the thread to included all 'Christians' and the 'mainstream', I would bet my life that ones attempting to 'stretch' the original point of this thread would jump down his or her throat in a second.

    floral wallpaper room. roll of floral wall paper.
  • roll of floral wall paper.

  • ender land
    Apr 23, 11:20 PM
    You are correct ... there are no Gods ... zero ... nada ... zilch.

    I am not sure what all that other rambling on you were going on about ... most of it made no sense

    Nice. You've proven my point with that one statement. Congratulations, you are my first I & R.

    Thank you. I thought it was only me.

    We don't have the answers, so why must we persist in this feckless inquiry??

    No, we are not the centre of the Universe, as was believed not-so-long-ago, but still our delusions of grandeur carry us forward, along this path to nothingness.


    I guess this sort of style of posting is why the question in the OP is relevant. Thanks guys for providing examples of what I was talking about in my initial posts in this thread.

    For what it's worth, I enjoyed the past few hours of posting, as I greatly enjoy people challenging my beliefs and causing me to think through positions I hold and believe. Thank you to those of you who participated in the actual discussion (this includes you Mac'nCheese, in spite of your last post). If any of you honestly do care to continue this discussion, feel free to PM me.

    floral wallpaper room. Family living room | Floral
  • Family living room | Floral

  • javajedi
    Oct 13, 11:23 AM
    Originally posted by macwannabe
    Saying that the 2.8GHz P4 is no good because it is based on 25 year old architecture is nonsense as far as I'm concerned.

    Can I take it then that you don't think that any of the cars on the market at the moment are worth having or have been improved at all on the grounds that they are based on an 80 year old design? "I don't think that BMW is any good as it is based on a Ford model T", hmmmmmmmm dodgy logic methinks.

    You are absolutely 110% correct. We've allready dismissed BackToTheMac's outlandish fallacies though :)

    I think he gets the picture now....

    floral wallpaper room. Then I#39;ll breathe for a bit of solace and realize I will one day have at least one room with floral wallpaper. Whether its here or there,
  • Then I#39;ll breathe for a bit of solace and realize I will one day have at least one room with floral wallpaper. Whether its here or there,

  • thatsallfolks
    Apr 5, 09:40 PM
    I'm was a complete Mac virgin when I switched a couple of months ago but some of the small things that still annoy me.

    1. Pressing delete when you've selected a file in finder doesn't delete the file. You've gotta use the context menu or <gasp> actually drag it to the garbage.

    2. It's kinda' weird that the menu bar shows at the top of the screen and not the window. When you have alot of windows open I sometimes go into the menu bar thinking it belongs to another program than what I intended.

    3. There's no ".." button in finder(i.e. go one level up a directory structure)

    4. Not having an actual uninstall program procedure kind of makes me paranoid.

    I do love the magic mouse and obviously Macs look slicker than PCs so overall I guess I'm satisfied and I'm sure any reasonable person would be as well but from what I've seen of Windows 7 I would think most reasonable people would be happy with that too.

    floral wallpaper room. Flower Wallpaper
  • Flower Wallpaper

  • yg17
    Mar 24, 07:20 PM
    Awww....boo ****ing hoo.

    floral wallpaper room. room with floral wallpaper
  • room with floral wallpaper

  • mcarnes
    Oct 25, 10:39 PM
    8. Pfft. I'm holding out for 64 cores.

    floral wallpaper room. Floral Wallpaper】 【
  • Floral Wallpaper】 【

  • tigress666
    Apr 9, 01:44 PM
    I still cannot believe that there aren't decent turn base strategy games on the iphone. Games like tactics ogre, final fantasy tactics, front mission, and the like would be excellent in a mobile device. I remember square announced FFT for the iphone a while back but it still was not released.

    I would love if they ported PS1 and N64 classics to the iphone/ipad. Can you imagine playing FF7-9, Smash Brothers, Parasite Eve, platformers like Megaman, and even Resident Evil 1-3 (the RE4 port was dreadful, but I can see it being done properly).

    They're starting to. They at least have FFI-III on the iphone. Plus at least two new ones made specifically for iphone (Chaos Rings, Eternal Legacy - which apparently is a FFVIII clone from GameLoft. There is also Song Summoner, another squaresoft game, which actually was made for the ipod with the click wheel and ported over to ipod touch/iphone). So, it's starting to get there :) :) :). I'm totally with you though. There are actually a few more by other companies other than Square or Gameloft if you look, I just can't remember them off the top of my head.

    I'm so cheering for FFVII on the iphone (and yeah, parasite eve would be cool I guess but I wasn't into the whole reflexes added in gameplay. But I really love the story/atmosphere of Parasite Eve but I'll admit I enjoyed watching other people play it more than playing it).

    floral wallpaper room. Floral Wallpaper middot; Floral
  • Floral Wallpaper middot; Floral

  • Bill McEnaney
    Mar 27, 04:03 PM
    The point, though it's off-topic, is that your RC friend (that's a homophone, by the way) wanted, for reasons best known to himself, to communicate with you in Latin, but to translate a "sign of contradiction" you have to use the word for "sign" as in signifier (n), rather than the word for "sign" as in sign your name (vb). He obviously looked up the wrong meaning and thus mangled his translation.
    If he did that, he goofed. But I know I made a mistake: I missed your point. Now I understand it. Thanks. Maybe he tried to communicate with me in Latin because he knows I usually attend the Traditional Latin Mass.

    floral wallpaper room. Black floral wallpaper from
  • Black floral wallpaper from

  • WoFat
    May 2, 10:23 AM
    Is it still the cold & flu season?

    Waiting for the 1st complaint here how they got a virus on their Mac by doing absolutely nothing after clicking & downloading and unzipping and installing & entering admin password only to be stumped as to which credit card they should use when a panel pops up to buy MacDefender.

    Where are these peoples parents when they�re doing this?

    floral wallpaper room. Floral wallpaper from
  • Floral wallpaper from

  • Mord
    Jul 12, 10:08 AM
    I'm still wondering why not both - Xeon Woody in pairs for the top of the line Quad and Conroe in the mid and low Core 2 Duo models. I can't see Apple spending all that extra money to support two cores from one Woody when it will cost them a lot less to use Conroe and a Conroe motherboard for the same two core performance. Can you?

    I expect MacBook Pros will get Merom ASAP up to 2.33 GHz and that mini and MacBooks will go Merom later by January at the latest only 2GHz max.

    because the price difference is not that much and it saves apple more on design/engineering/testing/support ect. it makes great financial sense to consolidate your product line into one platform.

    floral wallpaper room. winding floral wallpaper
  • winding floral wallpaper

  • kdarling
    Apr 20, 07:37 PM
    Interesting and "generic" use by Apple execs. This could be used against them, as compared to saying that our "App Store" is the largest of any of the available applications stores. Subtle, but significant.

    Good catch to all those who noticed Cook's generic use with "we've got the largest app store".

    The manual for (my wife's Android) phone is 156 pages long. I couldn't find the buttons illustrated in it to set up another email address other than Gmail.

    Last time I checked online, Apple's official iPhone user manual was 244 pages long.

    Not to mention that there's probably a hundred iPhone help books for people who can't figure it out.

    And to think that the ENTIRE Droid market is unregulated? More and more viruses will appear. You can't get a virus on an iPhone unless Apple somehow lets it in.

    Apple's approval of an app does not guarantee that it doesn't have a Trojan or other malware. It simply means that it passes their app rules and doesn't violate copyrights. Each OS update has included fixes for buffer overruns and other holes which could've allowed anyone full access.

    Perhaps you didn't realize MILLIONS of Android users downloaded malware.

    Hardly. Do you mean the ~100,000 who recently downloaded apps that the someone stuck a root kit in, but which otherwise didn't do anything? And which were deleted within minutes of Google finding out?

    floral wallpaper room. With Red Floral Wallpaper
  • With Red Floral Wallpaper

  • anim8or
    Apr 13, 12:46 AM
    The BBC is also funded by money stolen from people as a punishment for owning a television. Let's not base conceptualizations of rational thought on their behavior.

    Here's a thought...

    The BBC is currently tightening it's budgets and making huge cuts to try and help keep the licence fee down. People will lose their jobs due to this fact so keep your greedy opinion to yourself.

    The public demand HD television from the BBC but they certainly don't realise the cost implications.

    So the licence fee us now fixed for the next 5 years thus causing cuts.

    The public can't have it all!!!

    And btw BBC staff get the sack immediately for failing to pay their own licence fee!

    Back on point, I don't think the BBC have purchased that amount of adobe licences or hardware to go with... I would know.

    floral wallpaper room. Decorate your drawing room
  • Decorate your drawing room

  • Clive At Five
    Sep 21, 04:56 PM
    Either way, I am still willing to bet for a large family, cable is significantly cheaper (especially when you take into account all the TV watched for "background noise" (such as the food network)).

    Hey, I watch the Food Network! Iron Chef rocks and Rachael Ray is a kitchen fox! Are those on the iTS?


    Oct 26, 04:59 AM
    anyone know how loud the new 8-core pros might be? probably impossible to speculate, but i would imagine that it will produce more heat and need better cooling than any of the current offerings.

    May 31, 06:56 AM
    Please note that non of the supposed "BETTER" carriers have the iphone congesting there network with psychotic amounts of data congestion especially in the larger cities like New York this is such a ******** biased statement and study that AT&T is having excessive dropped calls. You know I hope Verizon LLC does end up getting the iphone so they too can see exactly that the iphone is the cause of said congestion and dropped calls, and if you wanna poll the typical AT&T customer that doesn't use a iphone they don't see this issue. Its the fact that Apple who has been developing phones for 3 years now....3....people companies like Motorola, Nokia, LG, and others including HTC have been at this 10 or more years they know how to make a phone. 90 percent of the AT&T supposed dropped calls are from people using the Iphone, its not a AT&T thing as much as it is that apple has yet to perfect making phones like Motorola and Nokia who have been in the business since the beginning of cellphone technology have. So before you go spouting off that AT&T is a horrible provider maybe you should do some research into what type of handset most of these people are using when they have these supposed "EXCESSIVE" dropped calls and I bet most of them will answer Iphone.

    Welcome to the boards again AT&T.

    Keep blaming everyone except the provider.

    Don't panic
    Mar 14, 11:03 AM
    i find hard to believe that the casualties are only in the 1000-3000 range.

    Naturally, I hope they are right and unfortunately that still is a lot of people, but with the news of tens of towns and villages completely razed in densely populated areas I am amazed if the numbers remain so (relatively) low.

    it would be a true testament on how well-prepared they were.

    Sep 27, 08:37 PM
    Surprised to see this thread come to a grinding hault after only 145 posts. I pledge right here and now to be one of the first to buy a NEW 8-core Dual Clovertown Mac Pro as soon as it becomes available. I will not wait for them to go refrub although I will probably wait for them to come with iLife '07 if they are added to the BTO page before the January 9th SteveNote.

    I turn 60 on January 12th. :) Happy Birthday to me it will be. :eek: :D

    Jul 13, 11:00 AM
    the single xeon configs i was refering to were netburst based ones.


    a pair of 512 sticks for woodcrest is 200 bucks (FB-dimm 4200)

    a pair of 512 sticks for conroe is about 140 bucks (ddr2 5300)

    thus the 60 buck retail difference translates to about a 35-40 buck difference in bulk apple prices.

    a 2.4GHz conroe costs $316

    a 2.33GHz woodcrest costs $455

    $139 difference, to apple allot less probably about 50 or so due to the huge discounts they will be getting from intel (and don't tell my the bulk 1000 prices are the discounts as they are nearly identical to newegg prices)


    their are not too many of these about so their is rather a mark up

    350 bucks for woodcrest

    250 bucks for a 975X

    again to apple the difference is allot less about 20 bucks manufacturing, their is a huge mark up mobo's are just printed out. for apple the difference will only be in the chipset and maybe extra ram slots if they made two

    i was a bit off in the cpu price difference, but thats the one part which apple will get for the best price.

    selling SMP rigs with one cpu is commonplace as it gives a low entry price, to make a whole SKU is just silly.

    apple tried the powermac mini as it were and you did not buy it, it was called the g4 cube.