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Monday, May 9, 2011

Bvi The Baths

Bvi The Baths. Inside Bath#39;s cave in British
  • Inside Bath#39;s cave in British

  • skunk
    Apr 28, 04:52 PM
    that would disqualify a lot of past presidents, and disqualify Donald Trump.Surely the comb-over is enough?

    Bvi The Baths. vi the baths charter 005
  • vi the baths charter 005

  • Dont Hurt Me
    Aug 6, 08:56 AM
    1 day away from the all new CUBE!:) If it happens iam buying. missed the first cube. Powermac & mini are nice but we need something inbetween not a all in one. Its time for computers with easily removable drives, upgradeable GPU's and not the size of luggage. My prediction:D The Cube squared.:)

    Bvi The Baths. formation at the Baths on
  • formation at the Baths on

  • T-Reese
    Aug 5, 03:38 PM
    cant wait... merom book pros cmon!!!!

    Bvi The Baths. at The Baths in BVI. The
  • at The Baths in BVI. The

  • yoak
    Apr 12, 04:18 AM
    The insufficient content shouldn't pop up at random, or there is a bug. It pops up when there is insufficient content for a transition. Some transitions like crossfade are centered at the end/starting point of a clip. So it expands past/before this point, hence the need of additional content in the file.

    I didn't know about that multicore issue with Compressor when launched directly from the timeline. I suspect an issue with your setup. Compressor does make good use of my 4 cores on mpeg2 and I never set up Qmaster.

    What Mac are you using?
    When I installed FSC3 I had to set up Qmaster to make Compressor use all my cores. It was not easy to make it work, but that was due to the bug that don�t allow you to send directly from FC. This is what took me a while to find out.
    We still had some problems making a new Mac Pro making use of all it�s core just this winter.

    Have you checked your BAtch Monitor to make sure Compressor really splits up the file and spread it out over all your cores?

    For the content bug, I�m not sure it�s a bug. I do know that it comes up when a file is too short for dissolve etc, but sometimes I can�t figure out why it comes up. Could still be my own fault, maybe I presumed it was a bug too easily

    Bvi The Baths. (photo of the Baths,
  • (photo of the Baths,

  • Bill McEnaney
    Mar 3, 04:10 AM
    Why is most straight people assume that gay people do all those? I'm gay and I don't do a thing in that article. I know.. I'm boring but hey that's not the point.

    Bvi The Baths. If you#39;re only in the VI for a
  • If you#39;re only in the VI for a

  • skunk
    Mar 22, 07:57 AM
    Are you suggesting that Obama has gotten comparable treatment from the media as compared to Bush? No. I think what I am suggesting in my post is perfectly clear. Perhaps you would like to read it again, this time without trying to insert your large collection of straw men into my argument.

    If you actually want change, vote for Ron Paul, vote for fiscal responsibility, vote for small government and non intervention. Vote for the destruction bailouts, stimulus, subsidies, and all other forms of crony-capitalism.I do not expect to be voting for any of your hopeless politicians. We have enough of our own.

    Bvi The Baths. The first from many aths The
  • The first from many aths The

  • 840quadra
    Nov 28, 06:51 PM
    Adds universal to the list of Companies I do not buy from..


    They are already on that list!

    GTH Universal! I bought my iPod, Every song on it, and will continue to do so. Stop Extorting the public, and possibly you may actually have some fans, or people that want to deal with your crappy company!

    Bvi The Baths. vi the baths charter 018
  • vi the baths charter 018

  • lar34
    Sep 18, 11:22 PM
    Merom notebooks by next week I hope, but more importantly, less heat... please.

    Bvi The Baths. The Baths, Virgin Gorda,
  • The Baths, Virgin Gorda,

  • aristotle
    Apr 6, 03:23 PM
    It'll be 100,001 when it comes out in the UK when mine gets delivered..... Roll on Saturday!:D
    Congrats, you will be able to play with the handful of apps designed for it.

    Bvi The Baths. Nurse Shark quot;Bettyquot; Bath#39;s
  • Nurse Shark quot;Bettyquot; Bath#39;s

  • Cougarcat
    Mar 26, 12:53 AM
    Can't believe it's anywhere near GM time. Way too many bugs and inconsistencies in behavior. New networking tools in Server have to be implemented now that SMB is being canned - that's not a minor addition. Calling it a release candidate is a stretch, but calling it GM is just plain crazy.

    Keep in mind that the developer build was probably already a month or two old when it was released. Wait and see what the next version is like.

    Bvi The Baths. quieter than the Baths,
  • quieter than the Baths,

  • CdnBook
    Apr 5, 10:27 PM
    Super stoked! It's finally coming!!

    Bvi The Baths. mooring ball at the Baths
  • mooring ball at the Baths

  • mcrain
    Apr 27, 08:48 AM
    So, 38% of the American people, and a majority of the tea-party just had their "faith" that the President was somehow not legitimate pulled out from under them. If the goal was to fracture the ties that bind that group, the timing couldn't have been better.

    With the recent backlash against the Paul budget and attempt to destroy Medicare, what binds the tea party together now? President Obama has agreed to cuts, he tried to avoid the bush tax cuts on the wealthy, but caved to save the middle income tax breaks; now he wants to roll back the tax breaks for the wealthy, eliminating tax breaks for oil companies, and seems willing to consider a lot of other things to deal with the budget and economy. The Republican town hall meetings seem to show that people may finally be realizing that Democrats are actually the party of fiscal responsibility.

    I truly hope that the GOP learns from the last 30 years, and especially the last 20 years. Obstructing the other party is not the best way to run the government for the benefit of all of the American people. Compromise is not a bad word. Facts are your friend.

    Bvi The Baths. on the beach at the Baths
  • on the beach at the Baths

  • deej999
    Apr 6, 02:32 AM
    Mercury actually doesn't need CUDA but having a 1gig graphics card (not gonna happen on a portable laptop) will enable CUDA and supposed turbo charged results and rendering

    The new MBPs have the option of a 1GB Graphics card. Am using one now!

    Bvi The Baths. vi the baths charter 014
  • vi the baths charter 014

  • zedsdead
    Apr 12, 05:10 AM

    Avid is holding a great promotion to switch over to Media Composer if you are an FCP user. I am considering it based on what Apple shows us today.

    Bvi The Baths. The Baths – Virgin Gorda,
  • The Baths – Virgin Gorda,

  • Spoe
    Apr 19, 03:43 PM
    Apple Q3/09: 7 million devices and 17.1% marketshare
    Apple Q3/10: 13.4 million devices (almost doubled!) but 16.7% marketshare.
    Nokia Q3/09: 18 million devices and 44% marketshare
    Nokia Q3/10: 29 million devices (+ 11 million!) but only 36% marketshare

    So Apple sold 6.5 million more units but lost 0.4% marketshare.

    Ya, right.

    The iPhone is both gaining and losing market share, depending on what you mean by market share.

    Do you mean what percentage of devices sold or what percentage of devices in use?

    By the first measure, iPhone is slightly losing (by an amount that almost seems like it could be a statistical fluke -- it's basically flat) market share. By the other, it's still gaining market share (again by a pretty small amount).

    And then, you get into comparing statistical reports from different sources. Lie, damned lies, and statistics, you know.

    About the only certainty is it's debatable whether the iPhone is really losing market share and beyond that, whether Android is growing at the expense of the iPhone.

    Bvi The Baths. Morning at the Baths on Virgin
  • Morning at the Baths on Virgin

  • chrono1081
    Mar 31, 03:46 PM
    Let the Apple fanboys begin patting each other on the back, and taking something and running wild with it.

    By the end of this thread, it'll be impossible to decipher what the original story was about.

    Why does everyone start with the "Apple Fanboy!" BS? Its not necessary. You realize this is MacRumors right where if you say something nice about Apple you're a fanboy but you can insult Apple all day and be labeled as giving a fair opinion.

    Bvi The Baths. The Baths at Virgin Gorda,
  • The Baths at Virgin Gorda,

  • ECUpirate44
    Apr 27, 08:56 AM
    Poo. I really wanted to see my tracking info. Why is it doing this?

    Bvi The Baths. Virgin Gorda BVI The Baths,
  • Virgin Gorda BVI The Baths,

  • Amnak
    Apr 7, 10:55 PM
    Normally I'd call bs, but I got mine at Best Buy and my friend a former employ asked if they had any more, the said technically no but for him they'd "find" one. Thank god I got it from there for reward pointssss!

    Bvi The Baths. The Baths
  • The Baths

  • Blasterzilla
    Apr 27, 08:24 AM
    Great, glad Apple did something. Hope we can all move on now to bigger and better things.

    Thanks again Apple.

    Mar 17, 12:28 PM
    Being against a specific military action doesn't make one a military dove.

    I see you included lots of "lots" but no "links". I'm sorry, but mere rhetoric only goes so far in this forum. If there are so many instances that prove your point, why haven't you actually produced them?

    If you need links for the items the 5p listed, you weren't paying attention during the campaign.

    Hypocrisy is an occupational hazard for all presidents, since the tough-minded realities of governing trump the foolish consistencies of the campaign trail.

    Aug 7, 04:08 PM
    I'm kinda bummed that even with Vista sneaking up that Aqua hasn't changed much.
    Aqua is great and doesn't NEED to change much--it badly needs to be gone over for consistency, but it's already light years ahead of Vista in consistency, looks (MS loves clutter), and most importantly, functionality. Change for change's sake can be fun, but it can also get in the way.

    That said, I think we haven't seen all the changes that next year will bring.

    Anyway, Vista is not "sneaking up"... it still looks like a fiasco that nothing can save. It will sell well even so--that's a monopoly for you--but it doesn't threaten Tiger, much less Leopard (which we haven't even seen all of yet).

    Apr 6, 07:40 AM
    We don�t even have to go to HDCAM SR for delivery anymore. On our latest project we just brought a hard drive with the masters (in ProRes) and did a transfer right at the broadcast facility. That was nice.

    I do see your point on the blu-ray file size though.
    But when the promo department at the same broadcaster wanted to look at the programs to plan the promotion of the series it would be nice to drop them a blu-ray, knowing they would be able to watch it on any player.

    EDIT: I do have to say it�s not often I miss the need for blu-ray, but it certainly do happen

    Ah delivery on a drive that would be nice although as we archive to SR I suspect we won't do it for a while.

    Promo departments will only every get a DVD with time code across it from me as all to often I have seen them do something we have said they can't with the footage, I like to control exactly what they get to do with it.

    Apr 27, 10:08 AM
    Really? The posters on here that say there was no issue are correct?

    I guess Apple fixing certain bugs related to this is whimtime.

    I guess it's all a matter of what part of the issue you deem important. The tracking, the retention or the ability to opt out

    Yes, the Apple fans were more correct than the anti-Apple folks. What we heard over the last week is that your personal data was being sent to Apple (it wasn't), that Apple is evil (it isn't), that Steve Jobs is lying (he isn't).

    Strip away the hyperbole and you have a bug that is going to be fixed, data that is anonymized and not trackable to you unless you physically possess someone's Mac, and a story that made news last year and should never have gotten so big this time around. So yes, the Apple fans were more correct while the hype machine was wrong (as usual).

    Jul 20, 06:16 PM
    Nobody will ever want to use an Xserve on their desktop, and nobody setting up a compute cluster will want to build it from desktop boxes.

    Hehe, I remember Virginia Tech having built the 3rd fastest supercomputer out of 1100 dual powermacs G5. Back then, the XServe G5 wasn't available. You can see that in the MWSF 2004 keynote (minute 25 ff). They later switched to the Xserve G5 when those came out. It had 10.28 TF for just $5.2M.